1: Date

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"Hey Y/N when are you going to find yourself a boyfriend?" Your sister, Mitsuki, asked you as you were cooking food. "Mitsuki!" You yelled as you stopped washing the broccoli. "I'm just saying, you're not getting any younger, soon the only men in your age will be bald, harry, and probably have erectile dysfunction." She commented before getting something out of the fridge. "Hey! I'm not that old, I'm only 28... plus what most men want nowadays is a hit and run, you know? I don't want that." You said before continuing to cook. "Come on Y/N sometimes you have to lower your expectations, that way you're happy with anything that happens. Besides your still a virgin." Mitsuki said while leaning down and taking a piece of chicken. You blushed before taking the piece of chicken out her hands. "Just because you lost it in high school doesn't mean I had to too." You responded before both of you laughed, and continuing to talk about life and other stuff.


"Hey... Aizawa, Principle Nezu wants to see you." Hizashi said as he entered the room. "Alright, watch over them while I'm gone. Aizawa responded before getting out of his sleeping bag. "Looks like he left his phone..." Hizashi said as he sat down on a nearby desk. "Mister Hizashi, I don't think we should be looking threw Mister Aizawa's phone. This is an invasion of privacy!" One of the student scolded some of his fellow classmates the surrounded Hizashi. "I'll handle it, you don't worry about it." Hizashi responded before looking through his gallery. "Come on Aizawa! All he has are freaking cat videos." Hizashi exclaimed as he opened up some other apps. "I have an idea!" Hizashi yelled out with his quirk, causing most of the students to cover their ears. "What is it!" A student exclaimed.

"We should get Aizawa a date..." Hizashi said as he went into the app store and downloaded Tinder. "What! Find mister Aizawa a date?! I don't think that would be a good idea... I mean what if he gets mad?" Someone stuttered at the idea. "I don't see why not, he is human after all. We all need to find someone to find the rest of our lives with, who knows maybe this will go out just fine, and he'll end up marrying whoever Present Mic hooks him up with..." Another one exclaimed while putting his feet up on the table. Everyone was staring at him in shock. "WHAT IM JUST SAYING! IT'S NOT MY FAULT MY MOM MAKES ME SPEND SO MUCH TIME WITH MY SISTER!" He Growled before looking out a window. "I say we do it..." someone said while moving next to Hizashi.

Soon the bell rang and the students were dismissed to go eat their lunch. "Hey, Hizashi have you seen my phone? I couldn't find it earlier."


"Give me my phone."

"ok... Just letting you know. You have a date tomorrow night..."

"I what!" Aizawa yelled before his scarfs started to float, along with his hair.

Time skip back to you...

"So, how was school Katsuki?" You asked as you served him some more food. "Why do you want to know." He asked before he ate his chicken You rolled your eyes at the boy before sitting down.

You continued eating with slight bickering from Katsuki and Mitsuki before you had to go to work


I've had the idea of writing something with this plot for a while, and I said who would be better than one of my daddy's SHOUTA AIZAWA! I'm pretty excited to see where this goes, I hope you guys enjoy this and I hope you continue reading, as this adventure unfolds *Wiggles eyebrows*

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