12: USJ pt.1

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"Come on kids get on the bus, you don't want to be late." You called out to them as they came rushing into the bus in their hero costumes. "You better not do anything to stupid okay Katsuki." You warned your nephew as he got on the bus

"Quit nagging ya hag!" He growled as he took an empty seat. The ride was a bit exciting to say the least, your nephew had a few outburst but it was all good in the end. Once you got off the bus you got a message form Luka.

To: Y/N
From: Luka
Have a nice day, say hello to All Might for me ;)

To: Luka
From: Y/N
No problem, see you tonight.

You texted a quick response as Number thirteen finished up her little speech. The whole class seemed pumped up and ready for training. "All right now that that's over-" Aizawa was cut off by the power going out. Just as you were about to ask what was going on a purple vortex appeared by the water fountain.

"Aizawa?" You questioned as you got closer to the edge to inspect things. "Stay back." He put his hand in front of you as you both stared at the purple vortex expanding into a mist like person. "What's going on?" You asked as people started coming out of the purple vortex guy. "What's this? He's training started already!?" You heard Kirishima ask from behind you. You looked back and saw Aizawa putting on hit yellow glasses.

"Thirteen protect the kids. Y/N getaway from the edge!" He yelled at you. Your heart started beating. As you backed up you realized one thing. "This is real. Those are actual vilans." You said out loud causing some to turn and look at you. "She's right, I'll do my best to hold them off. Keep them safe." With that he left and took the vilans on.

"We're going to be okay you got that Y/N?" You felt Bakugo grab your hand. You gulped and slowly nodded. "The Only Pro heros I see here are Number Thirteen and Eraser Head. According to the schedule we retrieved from U.A All might should be here too."

"I see you used the press as a way for you lowly scumbags to sneak in." Just as you were about to say something the guy with hands around his body spoke up. "Maybe if we kill a few kids hell come out and play." Your eyes widen as you saw the villains move closer to where the class was.

Aizawa huffed and slid down the side of the cliff and started fighting the villains. "He can't take them all on his own, his fighting style isn't suited for a group." Midoriya rambled as he watched Aizawa run into a group of three. "If you want to be a hero you have to have more than one trick." You heard Number Thirteen say as you back up to the main door.

The whole class started running to the door when the purple vortex appeared once more. "It's a pleasure to meet you, we are the league of villains. Sorry for the inconvenience but wee decided to let ourselves in and say hello. And besides isn't this a great place for All might, the symbol of peace to take his last breath." You gulped and toke a step back. "They can't be for real? Do they really think they can kill All Might?" A million questions ran through your mind. When you looked up once more you saw your nephew and Kirishima charge at the mist thing. "Katsuki!!" You yelled out as tear sprung in your eyes. "That stupid bastard, is he trying to get himself killed?" You started hyperventilating as a cloud of smoke covered your vision.

"Did you really think we would stand by and let you get away with this?!" Kirishima shouted as the smoke started clearing up. "You live up to your schools reputation, but you should be more careful children. Otherwise someone might get hurt."

"Get out of the way right now" Thirteen yelled as she started activating her quirk. In an instant purple smoke covers your vision, you try to spot everyone else but the smoke got thicker and thicker clouding your vision. As you opened your eyes once more you saw a green landscape coming closer and closer. "Oh shit!!" You yelped as your body landed harshly on the ground. You looked around and saw no one in sight. You groaned and rubbed your ribs as your head and body ached. "First catch of the day boys." You heard a raspy voice call out as many villains came out of the trees. You tried standing up as they came closer and closer. "Stay back!" You yelled as you grabbed a stick and put your back against a tree.

"Look at her she's all scared, I can't wait till I get a taste of her blood." One smirked and licked his lips. "I said stay back!" You yelled and closed your eyes. Time stood still, and when you finally opened your eyes you saw the villains in a sticky type of capsule. "What the hell?" You whisperd as you stated at your palms secreting the same type of substance. "What the fuck was that!" One yelled as he struggled against his capsule. You stated in shock as you stood up and stared at them. "Keep fighting against it, mines cracking!" Onother one yelled as he wiggled and trashed against it. With that you started running ignoring the pain in your side. "What the actual fuck just happened?" You yelled as you saw a tall tree up ahead.

"Get back here!" You heard one yell as the sound of footsteps came closer and closer. You looked around and hooped on on of the trees and started climbing. "What the fuck, holly fucking shit what did I do back there!!" You whisperd yelled as your heart raced. You brought your hands up to your face staring at them for a while. "I need to figure this out."

So like... Season four is out...

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