Two [Wait, Really?!]

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  Everyone was awoken by the sudden scrambling from Kirishima and Mina's room, and the burst of pink hair from the door lit the living room.
  "It's official!!" She shrieked happily, gripping her phone in a hand as the other adjusted her night wear; a light pink tank top and grey pajama pants.

  Bakugo slammed his door open, looking pissed for being woken up on his terms of early. It was the weekend for christ-sake.
  "Why are you up so fUCKING EARLY?!" He shouted, clenching a fist.
  Mina ran around the apartment, squealing like a piglet.

  Kaminari stumbled out of the room the shared with Sero, rubbing his eye. "Mina. What in the fresh f u c k."
  Sero fallowed the golden blond after a moment, blinking back the light of the early morning. He and Mina were morning people usually, so he's been up fo a while. But in a dark room with an asleep roommate tends to shake your reality a bit.

  "I just got an email from Mornings Cafe! They're allowing us to preform there!!" The crazy-haired girl exclaimed, jumping up and down giddily.

Kirishima stumbled out of his shared room with the girl and blinked at the bright light. "Mina. What?"
She rolled her eyes and walked briskly over, shoving the electronic in the redhead's face. "Read it for yourself, dumbass. We're preforming in three days!"

  Kirishima's eyes adjusted as he looked at the screen. A bright pink and yellow sign with a small pastry in the corner with the bold silver lettering of "Morning's Cafe" written in the center sat in the middle of the screen. Underneath it was a very long version of what Mina had just yelled.

""We have read over your papers and you lot seem like a band that needs a little push. We would love to give you just that"?!" Kirishima read aloud, suddenly becoming more awake.
  Mine yanked her phone back, nodding happily. "Yeah! We're preforming!!"

  Sero and Kaminari emerged more from their room, Sero looking more alive than Kaminari might for the next couple hours. "That's awesome!" The black haired teen smiled.

A low grunt from the other side of Kirishima made itself present. "This is bullshit. Couldn't you have told us later when we were awake?" Bakugou asked, clearly annoyed.
  Mina giggled. "But if I told you later, you would have been mad I didn't say anything earlier." She explained almost simply.

  Kaminari laughed tiredly. "Jesus Im hungry. Sero, food." He waved at the kitchen as the pikachu started to the couches. Sero snorted. "Pffttt k fine. You owe me lunch."
  "I don't owe you shit." Kamianri laughed again, basically collapsing on a couch.

  Bakugou muttered something under his breath and stormed into the kitchen, the sound of cabinets flying open and things shuffling about muffled their way into the main room.
  Kirishima rubbed his eye, a finger brushing over the old scar just above his eyelid. He ignored it and the memories, but turned back into his own room to change.

Sero watched Bakugou and decided he was going to make food- and didn't complain, yawned slightly before stumbling over to sit on the couch beside Kaminari. Mina bounced over to join them, humming happily.

Kirishima looked over at Bakugo, who was hard at work in the kitchen. Then to the three others sitting on the couch, figuring out what was on tv. He took his chances and walked over to the kinda pissed looking blond, leaning against the counter. "Hi, bro." He greeted nonchalantly.
Bakugo grunted a hello in return and turned to pull something out of the fridge.

Lovely chat.

"So.. we're preforming at Morning's in a couple days." Kirishima tried starting an actual conversation, turning to look at the blond better. "That's really cool, yeah?"
"You're fucking annoying..." Bakugo muttered lowly, the cracking of their gas oven starting as Bakugo threw a pan on there and buttered the metal generously. It started to melt before the...

It only occurred to Kirishima then that Bakugo looked incredibly exhausted. The bags under his eyes were more propionate than usual, and he wasnt sure entirely why.
"Dude.. did you get no sleep last-"

With a sudden slam of Bakugou's hand on the counter, Kirishima jumped slightly and cut himself off.
"Jesus, can you just let me cook in peace?!" Bakugo growled, a harsh snap in his voice.

Kirishima nodded numbly and slowly backed up. "R-right.. sorry man, just worried for ya." He muttered and turned to walk to the couches. Mina and Sero were looking over at Kirishima in confusion, Kaminari already passed out again.
"Dude.. you okay? What happened?" Mina asked, her yellow eyes wide with worry.

Kirishima smiled softly and sat down on one of the couches. "Yep. Bakugo.. just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, I guess." The redhead shrugged, and Kaminari just laughed tiredly at the television.

   When Kirishima finally figured out the show his friends were watching with too much curiosity- some kids in a forest solving mysteries?- the smell of the kitchen reached his nose and, apparently his friends as well.
   Sero stood from the couch beside Kaminari, and walked over to the table after dragging his roommates ass off of the couch and to the table. Mina bounced up to follow, starting a happy chat with Sero as she did.

Kirishima looked over at Bakugo, who was still in the kitchen finishing the breakfast, and shot him a weak smile before following the others. He really didnt want to get on his nerves, so he'll just have to be patient with him.
    Bakugo watched the redhead join the other three idiots at the table and sighed lowly to himself. Last night left him with little sleep to begin with. He had no clue why...

    Pushing it off, he got his shit together and- in utter annoyance- called them to get their own portions before grabbing his.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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