"You say that a lot." He pointed out.

"Hmn?" She hummed as she chewed a piece of chicken.

"You say 'thank you' a lot." He clarified.

She swallowed the piece of chicken.

"I guess so." She drank a little water and dabbed her mouth with a tissue.

"There's so much I still don't know about you, Aaron. I'm so curious."

"Ask me anything." She stared into his green eyes, they were so beautiful.

"How old are you?"

Aaron tried to hide his smile by taking a sip out of his wine.

'Of all the things she could have asked him.' He thought.

"I'm 26."

"When is your birthday?" He chuckled.

"My birthday." He repeated amused.

"Yes, your birthday." She smiled back at him.

"June 10th." He replied.

"Get out!" Sarah exclaimed drawing people's attention to their table.

"I'm June 10th too!" Aaron was stunned by her sudden energy.

He thought she looked so cute.

He laughed.

Not chuckle, but laughed.

His laugh was like a lullaby in her ears, it was very soothing.

She was happy she made him laugh, it made her feel good in a way.

"You should laugh more often, it suits you." She complimented.

"I'll keep that in mind."

"So Aaron, what were you like growing up?" She asked him.

Aaron's face suddenly looked drawn.

"I-" He paused.

Sarah noticed his hesitance.

"I was an introvert, since elementary school and I didn't have any friends till college except for this one girl in high school." He paused and caught her eyes.

She gave him an encouraging smile.

"Her name was Rose, Rose Turner. She couldn't exactly be called a friend per se but she was the only one who showed at least an ounce of care." He continued.

"My high school days were the most challenging for me. I-" Sarah could tell talking about his childhood was difficult for him.

"It's okay." She said softly.

"You don't have to-" He looked into her eyes.

"No, I told you I'd tell you everything."

"I had constant mental breakdowns due to the traumas I suffered in my younger years." He continued.

"It was pretty hard for me. There were times I desperately needed a friend or just anyone to talk to at least tell someone what I was going through but I was turned into an outcast."

"No one wanted to talk to me or even be seen with me especially when they got to know my mother committed suicide." He found out he couldn't stop, the words just kept pouring out.

"Juliet and I ran away from home because of the constant abuse we suffered at the hands of our mother. On returning home, we discovered her body."

"I was the one who found her and sometimes I do blame myself for her death. If we hadn't run away, then she must still be alive." His brows furrowed.

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