Chapter 22: Golden Fox

Start from the beginning

"He doesn't, but I'm not sure if I should tell him." I was being really cautious with the information I gave out lately, so this would be no different.

"I wouldn't. Who knows what he could do with that sort of intellect." Derrick suggested I stay quiet about it.

"Don't get all technical on me, now." I teased with his use of the word "intellect." He rolled his eyes from beneath his hair and seemed to grin a little too. "Last thing - he wants me to consider joining the Golden Foxes." They stared at me for a few moments, taking a while to process this. I feared the worst as Angeli opened her mouth to speak.

"If you want to join them, then I'll stay too. I trust your decisions." She spoke slowly, picking out every word carefully, as if not to mess them up.

"Yeah. If you want to join them, honestly and sincerely, I'll stay too. After all, this could help us." Derrick agreed. I couldn't help, but smile at my friends.

"Thanks, guys. I'd do the same if one of you were in my shoes." My heart filled with joy all of a sudden. This was what it felt like to have complete trust in someone?

"What are they even about? What do they do?" Angeli's curiosity shone in her fire-reflected eyes.

"Trevor wouldn't tell me. He said something about the Rich being suspected of something." I explained.

"Speaking of which, where is Trevor?" Derrick asked, careful to his surroundings.

"I don't know. He sort of just left."

"Weird." He murmured.

"Anyway, the Golden Foxes seem like the good guys here. Especially since Sam mentioned that they treat each other like family." I recalled her words from just moments ago.

"Then I'd go for it." Angeli seemed to have made up her mind. She didn't think it was a bad idea either.

"I'll think about it." I yawned sleepily, pondering over my final decision.

Gently, I lay down on the grass, unable to feel its prickly, yet soft texture. I sighed lightly, wishing that this was only temporary. I couldn't stand much more of this, and I wouldn't be able to last much longer without feeling my surroundings.

"Am I the only one who's sleepy?" Derrick asked, propping himself up with one arm while the other rested in his lap.

"Nope. I'm sleepy too." Angeli spoke, rubbing one of her eyes tiredly.

"Me three." I agreed.

"Then you all should start picking out your dens." I turned my head to find Trevor standing beside me, looking down at the three of us. His fluffed and unkept hair almost hid his eyes, but I could still see them filled with a strange and uninviting emotion.

"S-Sure..." I stammered, slightly afraid of my own brother. The glowing light reflecting off his ember eyes only made his look more intimidating. Still, I remained where I lay below him.

"The ones that aren't taken don't have a Golden Fox figure by the entrance. Use yours to mark it." He spoke quickly before walking off to his own den.

"That was rather... rushed." Derrick stated, looking back at the three of us.

"More like forced." Angeli corrected. She glared at where he had last been and scowled angrily. "Forgive me for saying this Mathias, but Trevor just doesn't sit in well with me. He could turn his back on us at any minute."

"Yeah, I know. That's why I'm hesitating about being a Golden Fox." I reached into my pocket and pulled out the little animal that Trevor had given me. "Come on, lets go find us a place to rest."

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