Episode Four (S1)

Start from the beginning

MEGA: "Wait, not that way!".

KRAKEN: "It's the only option, sayonara". He murders the guard.

(the next day)

(Inside of Dan's bar)
Awkward silence, because Dan threw them outside of the bar and now they magically have armor parts.

AI[Bob]: "So I heard a guard was murdered today at 12:00 am... by two people... right outside my bar...".

BOTH: "Oh, that's too bad!".

AI[Bob]: "Say you two don't know anything about this, right? You two were right outside my bar today...".

KRAKEN: "How the hell would you know that? If you do spy on us you'd know I definitely can not have prostate cancer".

AI[Bob]: "What the hell? No it's just on the body's-".

MEGA: "So I made a weapon yesterday, maybe we can do super low rank missions".

KRAKEN: "Weren't we supposed to awaken our powers before going to missions?..".

MEGA: "I just feel slightly ill so we could wait a bit".

AI[Bob]: "I got this rank D mission for you two".

KRAKEN: "Really?".

MEGA: "What is it?".

Dan takes out a wrinkly paper from his pocket and fixes it up so it can be readable, he points at the mission's title [hunt boars raiding Emset's waterfall].

KRAKEN: 😐 "Hunt... boars?".

AI[Bob]: "Yeah, hunt boars at the waterfall".

KRAKEN: "Why would they give us something that easy? I thought the lowest missions would be like hunting souls at night or something similar to ghosts!".

MEGA: "They're just giving us money and food at the same time".

KRAKEN: "There is no way I-".

AI[Bob]: "Prize is 10 coins per boar".

BOTH: "We'll take it!". They stop to think for a second.

MEGA: "But... how would they know when we complete the missions?".

AI[Bob]: "It's an automatic system, like in some RPG games after you complete a mission you'll immediately get the award for it".

MEGA: "Ohh... guess that would make sense".
Kraken opens the door from the bar, but stops midway as he notices...

KRAKEN: "Uhh... where's this waterfall you're talking about?".
AI[Bob]: 😑 "Can't you call one of your enslaved guides to help you out?".

Kraken hits his palm with his other hand. "Oh, that's right!" He calls for Coal, the black AI pops in front of him.

AI[Coal]: "Hello! How may I help you?".

MEGA: "Could you please guide us to the waterfall inside of Enset?".

AI[Coal]: "Theoretically I could do it as a favor, but I don't wa-".

KRAKEN: "Take us there or I'll break you into pieces!".

AI[Coal]: "Woah! It was a joke, ok, ok, I'll take you there!".

Coal leaves through the half opened door, and so does Mega and Kraken.

AI[Bob]: please don't come back, EVER.

(In Exhilate mission house)
AI[Mission Giver]: "You need to calm down on these missions, you're already over 50 on every attribute in just a day...".
?: "I need to prevent monsters or crinimals from killing me, there's something besides getting stronger I want to do".
AI[Mission Giver]: "Yeah probably get new scissors, those you have there are almost broken".
?: "Sure I will...".

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