Chapter 1

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Hi guys! Here's my first published story here!! I'm really excited about this one and I hope you enjoy it! Please leave feedback for me!

15 hours.

Alex had been in the Impala for 15 straight agonizing hours with her brothers and she was ready to kill them, or herself. As soon as they pulled into the diner parking lot, she opened her door and jumped onto the gravel before Dean could put it in park. She stared up at the blinking sign above her head, 'Auntie Em's Diner'.

"Someone's antsy," Sam commented when he got out and shut the door.

She bit back a snarky, rude retort. Something that she had to do a lot when they were on the road for a long time. 'Sam wasn't trying to start something, he was just observing.' She told herself. She nodded and smiled tightly before she followed Dean and Sam in.

They seated themselves in a booth next to the window and Sam pulled out a folded newspaper.

"Okay, so apparently 4 bodies, so far, have been found exsanguinated," He talked low across the table to his brother and sister. "All of them teenage girls."

Dean glanced sideways at Alex unconsciously and then back at Sam. "Well it has to be a vamp nest, right?"

Just at that moment, a plump older lady came to their table. She set menus down in front of each of them and took out a notepad. "What can I get you guys?" She smiled.

As usual, Dean ordered a burger and fries and Sam ordered some kind of salad. Alex didn't feel too hungry so she just asked for a plate of fries.

When the waitress left, Sam resumed the conversation. "You'd think so, but when have you ever known vampires for having specified targets?"

Dean shook his head, "But what else could it be, Sammy? There's not a lot of things that would suck a person dry."

Sam looked at Alex and shrugged, and she shrugged and nodded back, all mutually agreeing that that was the only logical thing to be going after these girls.

At that moment something across the room caught her eye. A young guy, probably around the same age as Alex, was bent over a table a couple booths away, wiping it down. He looked up and smiled at another boy coming from her direction. This boy, who was dark-haired slapped the blonde one (the one Alex had been ogling) on the back and they exchanged a few words. Alex took these moments to get a good look at him, as he now stood up straight to chat with his friend. He was good-looking, like extremely good-looking, and this coming from one of the pickiest girls on the planet because when you live with boys 24/7 you tend to hate all boys. He was about as tall as Dean, which meant he was about 6'0. His blonde hair wasn't as blonde as she originally thought either. It was more of a gold color, and it was longer. Not nearly as long as Sam's hair currently was, but not as short as Dean's. He pushed back his bangs impatiently as his friend talked and smiled at him when the other boy left. With the brunette no longer in front of him, he caught Alex looking in his direction. His smile didn't falter, but it seemed to grow a bit wider, and Alex returned it just before their waitress stepped in between their gaze and set their food down in front of her and her brothers.

After the waitress left, Alex looked around for this cute blonde boy again but was met with the back of him, walking into the kitchen. Even with just his plain white t-shirt and his black jeans, she could tell that he had a nice body, and her mind wandered to what he did to keep himself in shape. She imagined him as a quarterback, using his strong arms to throw the ball to his receivers, but then she looked down. And only one sport would give you an ass like that. Baseball. She smiled and made a contented little 'Hm' in the back of her throat.

Sam craned his neck around and looked where Alex was looking. He looked back at her with an amused smirk, "You're staring," He pointed out.

"Yes, I am." Alex raised an eyebrow, trying to get him to say more about it.

Dean looked up too, with his mouth full and watched the boy's retreating figure. Then he looked at Alex. "No," he said around the burger in his mouth. And then he took another bite.

Alex fluttered her eyelashes innocently, "No what, Dean?" She scrunched her eyebrows together and cocked her head. This is something she frequently did, using the blonde hair she inherited from her mother to play the 'dumb blonde' trope. She did it so frequently that neither brother was fooled.

Sam shook his head and chuckled. Dean cocked an eyebrow, "You know what I mean," he growled.

Alex breathed out loudly and rolled her eyes dramatically. She sulkily ate the rest of her fries. She knew Dean was just being the older brother, and being overprotective. As much as she loved her brothers, her nerves were wearing thin.

They all strolled outside when they were done and got back into the Impala. Their bellies full, and they were itching to get to the motel to nap before the hunt that evening. With a huge rumble, the Impala started, but Alex felt something was missing. She patted her back pockets and noticed her phone wasn't there.

Before Dean could put the car in gear she rested her hand on his shoulder. "Hold on, I left my phone in there."

The plan started to form in her mind before she closed the door. She jogged in and went straight back to the booth they were seated at. She grabbed a pen lying on the table and scribbled her number down on a clean napkin and put it where it was clearly visible. She hoped that since that cute boy had cleaned the other booth, he would also clean this one. And she hoped that he didn't just throw the napkin in the trash.

Alex grabbed her phone which had indeed slid out of her pocket into the seat and jogged back out to the car. She fought to keep the smile off of her face the whole ride to the motel. If her brothers saw it, they would know something was up.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2018 ⏰

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