Chapter 8

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***Ms. Lykins' POV***
I wake up in the morning to someone's arms wrapped around me, holding me close. I open my eyes and see Tyler laying next to me in her bed. I smile and snuggle in closer to her. I kiss her gently.
"Morning." I say softly.
She opens her eyes and sees me. She smiles and pulls me into her.
"Morning." She answers.
I smile and see the adoration in her eyes.
"What are you thinking about?" I ask softly.
She smiles and kisses my head.
"Just thinking about how grateful I am that you stayed with me last night." She answers.
I blush at her response. She looks at me and I smile at her.
"All you have to do is ask me to stay. We are officially dating now aren't we?" I whisper nervously.
"Yes Rachel we are." She whispers.

ust the way she says my name sends shivers down my spine.

"Too bad I got work and you got class." I say.
She looks over at the time and she tenses up.
"About that. You sure we gotta go?" She says.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
She points at the clock and I see it's close to school starting, 7:30. We both'll be late.
I sigh and get up. I look at her and she smiles at me.
"Do we have to go?" She asks.
"It's only the second day!" I exclaim baffled.
She sits up and ducks her head.
"Alright I'm getting up. Help yourself to my closet." She says.
I walk into her closet and see some black skinny jeans. I take them off the hanger and go through the shirts. I find a long sleeve shirt that will go nicely with the skinny jeans. I go out into her bedroom and see her sitting on the bed.
"Thank you." I say.
She smiles and stands up.
"You're welcome. Feel free to use my shower. I'll go make coffee." She says.
I grab her hand and she smiles shyly. I step closer to her and smile at her. She kisses me gently. I can't help but get lost in the feel of her warm body against mine. I feel safe with her, which is actually a bit worrying. I pull back and smile.
"I'm gonna go shower. Meet you downstairs. How do you take your coffee?" I say.
She smiles.
"I generally take two spoons of sugar and it's a light caramel-like color after I add my creamer. Why?"
"I'll take mine the same way. If you don't mind. That way we can get to school sooner." I say softly.
She smiles and kisses me quickly.
"Enjoy your shower. Be sure to grab a jacket, it's chilly." She says.
I smile and go shower. I quickly get cleaned up and get dressed. I grab a hoodie out of her closet and pick a rainbow beanie. I go downstairs and see two to go cups on the counter.
"Tyler?" I call.
I hear the front door open and close. She pokes her head around the corner and smiles.
"You look nice babe." She says.
I blush and see she changed already.
"Thanks. Are we good to go?" I say nervously.
"You need anything from your place?" She asks.
I think about it and realize I do in fact need my laptop.
"My laptop." I answer.
She nods and grabs the cups.
"You grab that and I'll wait in the car." She answers.
I kiss her cheek and run next door real quick. I go inside and grab my laptop case and make sure it's in there. It is and I lock my door behind me. I slip into her car and we take off for school.
"How fast are you going?" I ask nervously.
She looks at the dash and smirks.
"You want that honest answer?" She asks.
"Ty!" I exclaim. She looks at the road and slows down.
"It's ok. The school is right around the corner." She says softly.
I get nervous and she parks the car behind the school. She turns to look at me and points at the clock. 7:55.
"I'll go in first so people don't talk." I offer.
She gets out and walks around the car. She opens my door and offers me a hand. I take it and allow her to help me out of the car.
"We'll go in together." She says.
"Are you sure?" I ask.
"Yeah. I'll get us breakfast and meet you at your door."
"Alright." I say.
We go inside and I grab her bag.
"You sure?" She asks.
"Yeah. Go." I answer.
She smiles.
"I'll see you in a couple minutes." She says.
I nod and head towards the classroom. She runs towards the cafeteria and she's a blur. I smile and can't help but wonder why she's so fast. I ignore it and wait at my door. The warning bell rings and she turns the corner to my room. I hand her a cup of coffee and she hands me my breakfast.
"Go sit. Stay after class for a minute" I say quietly.
She nods.
"Am I in trouble?" She whispers.
"No." I answer.
She sighs in relief and sits in the same seat as yesterday. She eats her breakfast silently and allows the class to be quiet.
"Grab your laptops." I say to the class.
They all get up to get their laptops and get to work on the assignment from the board. I hear my laptop ding and I look at it. I smile at the message.
Do you really want to chance us getting caught this soon into what we have? -Tyler.
You're worth it. You're only in here for half the year anyway. Right? - Ms. Lykins.
You're right. But that doesn't mean we'll be able to be open about us for quite some time. -Tyler.
Yes we can after you get out of school. Technically we could be open about us now. - Ms. Lykins.
I look up and see her biting her lip. I look up at the clock and see class isn't even close to over.
That sounds so rebellious Ms. Lykins. -Tyler
You're worth it to me Tyler. - Ms. Lykins.
I look up and see her blushing. She looks up at me and smirks.
Then how would you feel about dinner tonight? - Tyler.
Any where you are is where I wanna be babe. - Ms. Lykins
You go for the bad girls don't you? - Tyler.
Nope. Just you. ;) - Ms. Lykins.
Damn. You're definitely working hard to flirt with me aren't you? ;) - Tyler.
Nah. Not really babe. It comes so naturally with you. - Ms Lykins.
You are so worth it. - Tyler.
Glad we feel the same way about each other. - Ms. Lykins.
Me too babe. Me too. - Tyler.
The bell rings then and I really don't want her to go. I look up and see her lingering by her desk. I remember that I asked her to stay after class. She puts her laptop away and slowly approaches my desk.
"Usually, I'm waiting for my bus in front of the school. You're welcome to join me if you'd like." She says nervously.
I smile up at her and grab the jacket I borrowed from her.
"I'm glad you offered for me to join you." I say softly.
She smiles at me brightly and we go out front. I can't help but wonder how she's so fast though.

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