Chapter 17

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*** Tyler's POV***
I skip CA and go home. I don't even care what happens. I go inside and close all the curtains after locking all entrances or exists including windows. I put the chain on my doors and go to my room. I strip out of my clothes and let myself shift into my wolf form. I curl up on my bed and go to sleep. I don't feel anything and I love that right now.
I hear a banging on the door and go downstairs. I get hit by her scent and start growling viciously.
"I know you're there Tyler. Please let me in. We need to talk." She says.
I growl even more and turn away from the door. I slip out the back door and don't look back. I'm beyond fucking hurt that she did what she's done. Playing with my heart like this, especially after I opened up to her as much as I have. I thought we had something real. But I guess I was truly wrong about her. Just like I'm wrong about everyone else I've let in. I should've known she wasn't different. It's time I leave and go mend my broken heart in the only way I can. By being in my wolf form.

My SecretOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora