5. I wasn't crazy. He was perfect

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Donghyuk was about bursting into tears while walking to meet Jinhwan at the kids area, he was avoiding crying but then let it all out. He'd rather doing it alone than in front of his best friends.

Meanwhile, Jinhwan was approaching to Jiwon very proud of his joke and not imagining the stressful situation he had caused.

"Hello. I'm looking for someone called Jiwon" said Jinani to Jiwon.

"What are your business with him?" Asked Jiwon kind of doubtful.

"I'm going to change his life and bring him happiness" Jinani laughed while staring at Bobby and continued. "I know you're Jiwon, I can read. I'm Jinwhan and his my boyfriend, June".

"So what" Bobby was getting fricking anxious about all that.

"Do you happen to remember the little blond flower you met last weekend?" Jinani asked him to specifically knew if Bobby invite any blond specimen to the park or it had been only his baby Donghyuk.

"Kim Donghyuk?!" Jiwon asked in expectation.

"Omg, you know his name. Are you a stalker?" stated June.

"I'm not. That guy looking like and anchovy, who stated being the owner of Kim Donghyuk, said it." Replied Bobby in a very serious way.

"Hahahaha he's nothing, especially not his owner. If Dongdongi belongs to someone that's me." Chuckled Jinani being really amused about the situation. "Whatever, he's coming right towards here, get ready" Jinani finished.

"Show time" whispered June to Bobby

And soon appeared Donghyuk coming forward.

Omg I can't believe this. What is happening. Is he really here to see me? He looks so f***king gorgeous today.

”Jinhwan, I'm gonna kill you so slowly until you beg for mercy" Donghyuk threatened his hyung avoiding the tears again and after having seen Jiwon.

"Wow! Is he always that eloquent and reckless?" Bobby was really amazed and happy.

"Even more" added June.

"I think I love him" whispered Bobby in a hardly understandable volume. "So, you came..." Suddenly he became shy.

"My bffs wanted to visit the park. I did it for them and now they're making fun of me. Ruthless people. Anyways, nice to meet you again Jiwon" declared Donghyuk with a mixture of feelings.

So June and Jinwhan left and spent all the day at the park leaving them alone. Donghyuk tried to catch up with Jiwon and know him better as stated in their last meeting.

"Would you mind calling me Bobby? I don't really like my Korean name... Oh I miss the States so much..." explained Bobby surprisingly 'homesick'.

"Have you been to the States? I used to live there" shared Dongi.

"You're kidding, me too. I came back 2 years ago.

And so they felt at ease and continued talking as far as Jiwon chores let them. Donghyuk even offered Jiwon his help in certain of those chores.

"You're amazing, Donghyuk" said Bobby as if he was on cloud 9 already.

"Wait, do you know my name?" Donghyuk sounded worried about this.

"Song Yunhyeong , and this name was told by Jinhwan, threatened me and there I learned it. He doesn't want me to be around you. I won't pay attention though. Unless that's what you want." Bobby sounded cute and worried about this.

"Don't pay attention to that guy. He's obsessed with me, I guess. But we're just, hmm, friends". explained Donghyuk, confused about Yun actions.

"I know I told you I'm with someone already and that I wasn't flirting but... There's something in my mind, in my heart, in my Inners, in my whole body that's urging me to do this. Please forgive me". As soon as Bobby finished the statement he was too close to Dongi's face, staring at him, two fireworks in stead of eyes. He could hear his own heartbeat increasing.

Donghyuk felt so anxious but in a good way, kinda. He started to feel and hear his heart pumping so fast, unstoppable. He thought he might suffer a heart attack. So he noticed Bobby closed his eyes and came even closer. It was Donghyuk first kiss. It felt soft, warm and wet. It made him feel butterflies in his stomach and shivers all over his body. He tried to answer that kiss the way he could and passed his arms around Bobby's neck, stroking his hear a little bit.

You don't have to be sorry, you a*se. You must choose me above everyone else, that's it.

But Donghyuk knew it was impossible because Bobby had a boyfriend and never denied it so he would never leave him, for sure. Donghyuk felt hopeless and started sobbing while running away. Bobby, left alone, couldn't move and he felt about bursting into tears as well.

What have you done Jiwon? You should have waited. He's so precious and your intensiveness and impulsiveness ruined everything. And you cheated on Hanbin who has been a very nice person to you. You're a scumbag.

Obviously Bobby wasn't feeling ok and he tried to finished his work schedule and to forget about everything at least for a while.

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