Dad! Dad's? 2

257 9 0


Thursday 24th April

*Jin on the phone to yoongi*

Jin- hiya Yoongi

Yoongi- hiya!

Jin- I was wondering do you want to come over today the boys can have a play date?

Yoongi- shut up!

Jin- why?

Yoongi- I was just thinking the same thing!

Jin- omg!

Jin- so you down?

Yoongi- umm yes ill bring Hobi and chimmy

Jin- yes yes yes

Jin- ill see you around 2?

Yoongi- ill see you at 2 bye bye

Jin- byeeee!

*Jin ends the call*


*Jin runs into the kitchen*

Jin- I neeeeeeeeed to cook the best meal in the world!!!

Namjoon- UMM Jin what are you doing?

Jin- yoongi, hobi and chimmy!

Namjoon- please don't tell me you...

Jin- invited them over for a play date!

Namjoon- of course you did!

*Jin starts to cook some noodles*

Jin- everyone move out the way!

* jin grabs a vacume cleaner out of no where and starts to vacume the house bottome to top*

Jin- this house will be spot less for our guests!

~7 minuets later~

Jin- done! The house is now spot less. I have cleaned every room, bathroom, floor and wall in this house and I have 20 minuets to spare!

Jin- now to finish the food!

*Jin cooks all the food*

~10 minuets later*

Namjoon- Boys promise me you will not be like your eomma!

taehyung- I promise appa

Jungkook- what?!

Namjoon- never mind

Jin- i still have time to get dressed

*Jin gets dressed*

Jin- they should be here any second now!

*Jin waits by the door waiting for them*

Jin- any second now...

~knock knock knock~


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