Chapter Thirteen

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Six months go by, and painfully, if you think laying off five of our men and killing Davy's pet was bad enough, Beckett commanded that every ship... and I mean every ship, even if it wasn't corrupted with piracy, had to be punished, which Davy interpreted as we destroy every vessel which blocks our path, we would blast at least ten ships a day, none of us where enjoying this, even the crewmen hated what we did, I know from the lips of the crewmen we had to bring at least one soul onto 'The Flying Dutchman' every year and that at least one vessel with several soilders must be sent to The Locker every year too but this was ridiculous! I was getting tired of hearing the screams from the unfortunate vessels which get torn up by the cannon balls which blast out of our guns, smoke, fire penetrate from the vessel which has splinters flying littering the gorgeous blue sea, singed pieces of wood, blood and torn pieces of fabric spread across the waters,the smell of smoke, burnt wood and sea salt water give an horrible toxic smell, the sight and smell made me sick to the core.

I do have to say though throughout these last six months the relationships I was making with the crewmen where getting better, in fact I started to class them as brothers from other mothers, we all got on with each other, to try and cheer ourselves up we would all tell scary stories or play stupid games like Liars Dice or snakes and ladders which we carved into the floor, mocking each other and play fighting with each other, they are one of the reasons why I haven't lost my mind, the biggest reason why I haven't lost my mind was because of my Captain.

Every single day for the past six months, when all the crewmen are asleep I would sneak out of the crews cabin, going to find Davy, sometimes he would be in the dragons mouth, other times he would be at the Rudder but most of the time he would be in his cabin playing some tragically sad music, it hurts me when he played sad music, every single time I would give him a massive hug and he would immediately stop, wrapping his tentacles around my arms, we would talk about how we are feeling, our pasts, plans on how to get the heart back which we knew would never work, it was at least something to talk about, my feelings towards him weren't changing either, in fact they were increasing rapidly, sometimes after our time had finished and I was going to bed I would silently cry, not many people understand how love works, sure I don't fully understand but I know I am, the way we cracking jokes with each other, the way we feel comfortable around each other, he knows my darkest secret and yet he has never used that against me, he accepts it is a part of my past and he has helped me by training me on the sword, he really does have a caring nature to him, but alas he wasn't mine to love, he was Caylpso's so I never mentioned it.

I did however how a overwhelming guilt on my shoulders, still to this day Davy's heart beats in my red purse which I keep close to me at all times, he really does think that Beckett has his heart but he doesn't,  how I'm I ever going to tell Davy the truth? And even if I did would he ever forgive me? But I couldn't say anything anyway, I'm not allowed to say anything until the time is right? But how I'm I meant to know when the time is right?!

I woke up this morning like how I would usually do, feeling like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders, I never really do have a good night's sleep nowadays, especially with me sneaking off to see Davy and the inflicting emotions which lay deep inside me, I tip toe past the crewmen and walk out, my destination the hull as I look from the forecastle deck, the air is bitterly cold, the waves seem tame, thick, grey fog covers the view, I took a deep breath in and then a deep breath out, it helps me to calm down a little but does nothing to burden the weight on my shoulders, that's when I heard a voice calling for me "Lady Sparrow" I turn my body around to see Edward looking at me, he was on night duty "hello Edward" I said to him, he took a step towards me so we were both standing across from each other "what are you doing up this early? Your not due to be awake for another hour" he said worryingly "I couldn't sleep" I honestly said, that's when he put his hand on my shoulder gently "you don't nowadays Sparrow, you shouldn't fret so much" he said in a caring brother way "how can I not fret Edward? We are trapped under a wrath of an evil man with evil plans?" I questioned him, he just remained silent not knowing what to say, I took a deep breath and apologized for my sudden outburst "it's alright, we all feel the same way" he said kindly, then in a sudden move Edward proceed to hug me, it shocked me but at that moment I did feel I needed a hug, it wasn't like the hugs I receive of Davy, this was more a friendly hug rather than a caring embrace, unfortunately I saw Davy looking at me, staring, hatred and pain shined in those eyes which annoyed me, why was he doing this?! this annoyed me, sometimes Davy was an caring, lovable guy but other times that hatred that layed deep inside him came to fester, I pulled away from Edward, falsely smiling at him, thanking him before going to find Davy.

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