Chapter Twelve

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Author's Note:

Hello fellow readers!

I must aplogise for delaying this chapter, they're have been several reasons why which i will tell you!

1. This chapter had a completely different POV which I then later scrapped!

2. This is a tiny spoiler but I have been writing an back story to Davy Jones which I was originally going to publish here but I then realized that it wasn't the right time so that chapter is on hold until I feel its right!

3. CHRISTMAS!!! yep today is Christmas day! and for the last two weeks I have been working nearly every day and for longer so I haven't had the time to write!

what did you all get for Christmas? my mother got me this even though she thinks its shit because its Tiny!but I love it! it's a wind up yourself Davy Jones Music Box!

Anyway Enjoy this Chapter!

As my eyes start to flutter open I groan from the unbearable pain which is currently ongoing in my left shoulder, I felt confused as my eyes started to adjust to the surroundings, I was lead on my stomach in my hammock, I start to shift using my arms to pull me up, wandering how I got here, I could hear the snores coming from the rest of the crew who slept in their hammocks, I'm sure every hammock used to be full, why are they're five spare one? As for a matter of fact what happened? All I remember is finding the heart, running away from the soldiers and then... oh my God, the blood in my veins run cold, a shiver runs down my spine, oh God what happened when I was unconsciousness? Who shot me? What's been going on whilst I've been unconsciousness? I need to find someone!

I quickly tip toe over the rest of the crew, running out of the cabin, my first instinct was to go to the Captains Cabin, as soon as I was at the doors I ran into the room "Davy?!" I screamed his name but they're was no one in, it looked like no one had been in for hours as the candles in his cabin were off, and a cold breeze ran through, I then ran out of the cabin, maybe I can find someone on the deck, as soon as my fit hit the main deck I looked around, the water seemed mild tonight, the wind blew lightly giving a warm feel, the sea twinkled as it reflected the nights sky, with the mass of stars reflecting onto the sea "Lady Sparrow..." I hear someone call my title, I look at the Quarter deck to see Maccus on the helm, I ran immediately to him, as I came closer Maccus said "...thank goodness your awake, we all thought you wouldn't make it" he said with concern "Why? What happened?" I asked him, he could see the confusion on my face, so he relayed everything that had happened in the last couple of days, It was Beckett who shot me, which I was suprised about, then not only had Beckett ordered Davy to lay off some of his men but his poor girl, the Kraken had to be killed "...were heading back to Port Royal now, Beckett wants to have futhur negotiations with the captain" Maccus finished, I felt a sinking feeling in my heart, what I thought would happen has happened and it's all my fault! "Dont blame yourself for what happened Lily..." Maccus said to me, I looked up at him confused " wasnt your fault, besides we need you more than you know" he said with a weak smile, I smiled back thanking Maccus before leaving to find Davy.

It didn't take me long to find Davy, he was in the dragons mouth, he was sat right on the edge of the mouth, a lamp hoovered to the side of him so I could see his face, my heart broke at the sight of him, he was sat down, hunched over, his hat was off, looking down at it, I could see his face stained with tears, his beautiful blue eyes glistened with pain, he also looked fatigued which made him look worse, he didn't notice my presence, even as I walked closer he didn't take notice, tears where streaming down my eyes, all the pain from these last couple of days came streaming down my face, I was just standing an couple of inches from him when Davy lifted his head up, he put his hat back on, we both stared at each other, I didn't quite know what to say, and from the look on Davy's face he looked the same, my heart beat was accelerating, I moved closer to Davy, until I was stood inches from him, I then proceeded to straddle him, sitting on him, he just stared at me in shock as I cupped his face using my thumbs to wipe the tears away, his arms going around my back, pulling me closer to him, he then placed the left side of his head on my heart center, he smelt smoky with a hint of sea salt, it was quite an intoxicating fragrance which welcomed itself pleasurably through my nostrils "your heart is beating fast" Davy said, his voice coarse like he hadn't spoke in ages, I ignored his statement and pulled my upper body away from him so I could look deep into his eyes as I asked the question which was buzzing around in my head.

"Why did you choose me over your heart Davy?" I questioned Davy, his eyes glimmered in the weak light, he took a deep breath before saying "for the same reason why I stopped William Turner from raping you and made you my first mate..." I looked at him, wait... was he going to confess his love for me? my heart fluttered at the thought, which confused me, that's when he said "...Lily, I care too much for you" "but Davy, he has control of the sea's because now he can control you" I said worried, that's when he said "I would rather have him control the sea's then have any control over you, I made a promise to you that no one would ever hurt you like that leech did and I meant it!" he said, the butterflies in my stomach increased, by breathing became irregular, why did I have the urge to kiss him, should I? wait what?! No lily... his heart belongs to Calypso not you, pain ceased through my heart at the thought, to hide my pain I proceeded to hug Davy again, I then whispered to Davy "thank you" the urge to kiss him want going to try and make it subside I kissed his forehead, as soon as my lips touched Davy's body froze, oh shit, have I pushed it too far?! I moved my lips, that's when Davy pulled me closer to him, he started to sob on my heart center, oh my poor Davy.... God Damn it Lily he isn't your's! I tried to comfort him, but he sobbed harder, I've never seen him like this "why are you weeping Davy?" I questioned him trying to stop my tears from flowing, he said something but it came out more like a mumble, that's when I said "what did you say?" that's when I pulled my upper body away from him so I could look at him "you kissed me, I haven't felt someone kiss me in over four hundred years" concern turned to shock, my eyes widened "four hundred years, fucking hell how old are you?!" "Four hundred.... actually four hundred and fifty two to be exact" my mouth hung open, the shock took over me, I'm straddling an guy who has lived over four hundred years!!! "well shiver me timbers, you must be the oldest and fittest man I have ever sat on!" I said, I saw Davy's eyes widened in shock,"well I'm glad to have had that privilege" Davy said, I couldn't hold it in no more, I started to laugh, he also broke down into laughter, we were both laughing so hard, both of our eyes watered and I could feel my stomach hurt with all the laughing I was doing, it took us a while to stop laughing but once we calmed down we smiled genuinely at each other, its strange to say, even though I know I have only known him a couple of days I feel so close to him, closer than I ever did with my father, even though Davy has the outer layer of a monster he has a lovely soul inside, I was proud to be the only one who saw this other side.

That night neither of us slept, even when the lamp ran out we didn't move, instead we both laid down, I rested on the side of Davy's claw which rested on my stomach whilst my head rested on that shoulder, my legs were crossed, we pointed out the stars trying to make faces or people out, it was peaceful, I felt so content, everything that happened these last twenty four hours didn't even enter my mind, oh how I felt so happy, until I saw the first glimpse of the sun, the darkened sky started to brighten giving it a pink hue, that's when me and Davy stared at the sky "dawn" I whispered feeling the previous sadness resurface as I moved my body, even though my muscles protested "aye, Lily... go and wake the men up" he commanded of me, not harshly though, I replied with an aye standing up, walking away, just as I was about to leave Davy called my name, I turned to face him, he was stood up, inches from me "I...I just wanted to say...errmmm..." aww he was stuttering, it was cute, weather he knew it or not, that's when I cupped his head and kissed his forehead again, which seemed to silence him, I then pulled away winking at him before walking away to wake the rest of the crew.

Once the men were up and about I was on the main deck, we lowered the ship into the sea as harsh rain started to crash down onto us which bloody hurt,I took over from Maccus, I loved sailing under the sea looking at all the different colored fish which swam, the beautiful reflections the sea gave, the moss and seaweed which peacefully swayed, the skeleton of different ships which sat on the seabed with green covered and mollusks allover, was it weird to say I feel like I am at home when I am in the sea? Davy was stood on the right side of the main deck, he looked at me with admiration, I weakly smiled at him back, it didn't take us long before we were at Port Royal, I let Bosun bring the ship up, someday i do need to learn how to do it myself, but for now, I swam over to Davy's side, he looked at me and I did the same before the ship surfaced, facing Port Royal, we were all in a line, Maccus stood to the right of me ans Spiky stood to the left of Davy, we all looked painfully at Davy, he just took his hat off using his tentacled hand as a surrender, my heart broke at seeing Davy so pained and there was nothing we could do, we all waited for Beckett's order, I couldn't handle it no more, I brushed my knuckles softly to Davy's hand, that's when he placed his hat back on and wrapped his tentacled and on mine, we both stared at each other squeezing our hands gently and in that moment that is when I realized why my feelings where different towards Davy, it made sense, even though I Know I shouldn't, I cant help it.... I'm falling in love with Davy Jones!

 || 𝓛𝓲𝓵𝔂 𝓙𝓪𝓷𝓮 𝓢𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓻𝓸𝔀 || Where stories live. Discover now