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Dear Catalina,

        It gets harder every day without you here. My mom forced me to go to school for the first time since you'd left. The only thing that got me through today was knowing I could write to you all night long if I wanted to.

        The teachers that once hate me pity me. I hate it. I'm not a puppy with no home. That's how they look at me. They always give me the fake smile now. I hate it. I wish you were here.

       My trial is tomorrow. I am very nervous. It's the second time this has happened. They may send me to Juvenile detention. I hope they don't. I really need to finish the end of senior year, or my soccer scholarship will probably taken away. By the way, I made it into UCLA. You knew how much I wanted to be apart of the soccer program there. You must have known, since that's all that I use to talk about to you. 

        You know how they say once you lose something you want it more? You were my more, Catalina. I miss you so much. I wish I could send you these letters. I miss your laugh, I miss your bossiness. I miss your intellegent remarks when I would be talking about something from the news. I miss our love. I wish you were here. I keep repeating myself, but I don't know how to emphasize it any other way. I miss you.

        I  hope someone is treating you better than I ever did. 


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