Lala land

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"You're so important to me"

"I swear I'll give my life to you"

"I'll be by your side always"

"I can't live without you"

"I love you"

I open my eyes drowsily letting the voices of my dream repeat in my head. I sit up looking at the clock, 7am.

Weird, I don't usually have audio hallucinations after I wake up. Oh well... I look around my room and I'm alone this time.

I decide to go get some coffee and I get out of bed and make my way to the kitchen not caring to much that I'm just in some shorts and a tank top as the boys are nowhere to be seen.

I quickly made some coffee and sat on the counter to drink it.

I wonder where they are? They know all about my past now... will they treat me differently? What's normal anyways...

I hear some talking outside and I go out to see all the boys training together.

"Hey!" I say taking them a bit by surprise. "Good morning, we apologise if we woke you up" James says and I shake my head.

"No, it's fine. I've been awake for a bit, sorry I interrupted" I say and Erik smirks.

"It's quite alright, we needed to stop anyway, wouldn't want to overwork Sam" Erik teases his brother.

"Oh come on! I can handle more than those pity punches"  Sam says assuringly and Damien laughs

"Your mind seems greatfull that we've stopped" Damien says and Sam glares.

"Shut up Damien" Sam says and Mathew jumps up.

"Oh you must be starving!" He says and I shake my head.

"I'll handle food today, you guys keep doing what your doing" I say and Sam looks confused.

"Woah seriously?" He asks and I put my hands on my hips.

"Yup, contrary to popular belief I'm not totally useless, I can cook" I say and Sam stutters.

"W-well no. I wasn't insinuating-"

"What he means to say is that we'd be really great full if you could make lunch today." James says and I smile.

"No problem!" I say turning on my heel and they return to training.

I decide to make Pizza, it's easy and everyone likes pizza.

I put the food in the dinning room but nobody's there so I grab some of it and I see Erik in the backyard still.

"Hello princess" he says and I walk over to him.

"Hey! I brought some Pizza, want some?" I ask holding out the plate with the pizza on it.

"Really? You didn't have to do that." he says and I huff.

"Well I did, so deal with it" I say and he takes the food, I notice he's been looking at some flowers, White Daisy's.

Out of curiousness I start looking at them too.

"Sorry I was simply reminded of home" Erik says and look to him curiously.

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