Chapter Two

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The pink from your blushing cheeks fades as you drag Nebula to the next room and join Gamora. She instantly notices the change in your mood and smiles brightly. "I take it you are no longer angry with Quill?" she hums, assisting you in tightening Nebula's restraints.

"I guess I don't even have a right to be upset with him. I think it just hurt seeing him talk to the High Priestess in the way I want him to talk to me, you know?"

"Y/N, Quill may have been crazy about lots of women in the past, but it appears that since he has met you, he only cares about one."

You glance at her and lightly grin. "You think so?"

"I know so solely based on the way he looks at you. He only wants to be with you, Y/N, and I truly believe you two will get there. Please do not blame him for a misunderstanding."

"Yeah, I know. I guess I kind of said that I forgave him so I think he knows we're okay," you state. You think back to how he mentioned he's changing his ways and truly does only want you. Maybe everything is going to be okay and he will be yours in no time.

"I'm hungry. Hand me some of that Yaro root," Nebula spits at the two of you, interrupting your thoughts.

"No, it's not ripe yet," Gamora replies, gripping Nebula's tied wrists. She attaches her to a bar that hangs from the ceiling so she can't walk about the Milano. "...and we hate you." You snicker quietly, a simple way of agreeing with your sister.

"You hate me? You left me there while you stole that stone for yourself. And yet here you stand, a hero. I will be free of these shackles soon enough, and I will kill you. I swear."

You turn to Nebula, looking her dead in the eyes. "There is no way in hell you're coming close to killing either one of us. You're gonna live out the rest of your days in prison on Xandar," you reply.

Gamora smirks. "...wishing you could." Nebula growls in response but some sirens going off in the ship avert your attention. You and Gamora start heading for the flight deck when you feel Nebula struggle against her restraints. Turning to face her, you see a hint of sadness and regret in her eyes. It breaks your heart.

"Do you truly hate me?"

"I loved you like a sister for the majority of my childhood," you tell her honestly. "I can be snarky and rude to prove a point. I can lock you up in my ship and take you to prison. But, I could never hate you. You're family to me."

Nebula sighs. "I tried to kill you."

"As Peter would say, you're hardly the first person to try and do that to me," you laugh calmly. "If I hated everyone in the galaxy who made an attempt to kill me...I think I'd be wasting a lot of time and energy on unnecessary negativity. Don't you think?"

Nebula remains silent. You know she's considering your words, letting the true feelings alter her hatred and anger. However, you know she won't change anytime soon. Someday you hope she finds the courage and strength to become the person she deserves to be. She's so much better than this life, yet you can't tell her that. She could be manipulating you. You hope she never stoops to that level.

"Gamora doesn't hate you either," you add, heading to the flight deck. "You hurt her, though, so she would never tell you that."

"This is weird, we got a Sovereign fleet approachin' from the rear," Peter says, sitting his pilot's seat beside Rocket. He fiddles with the buttons in confusion.

"Why would they do that?" Gamora questions as the both of you take your seats and buckle in.

"Probably because Rocket stole some of their batteries," Drax answers. Everyone turns to the raccoon in frustration.

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