XXLII: Trees of Green

Start from the beginning

"Thank you," Joana murmured in her ear. "Thank you for giving him back to me."

After talking with Steve and Wanda, Joana ventured over to Natalia. Standing beside her as they watched Bucky, it suddenly occurred to Joana that even if Bucky had all his memories back, that didn't mean that he was still hers. Natalia was the last person that he loved. For all Joana knew, he may still love her more.

"What do we do now?" Joana asked, wringing her hands. Natalia smiled and glanced over at Joana.

"Joana, I loved James a long time ago. A long, long time ago. I only recently remembered him. I don't love him like I used to anymore. I care for him deeply, sure, but I don't love him." She looked back at Bucky. "And he doesn't love me."

Joana couldn't help the overwhelming feeling of joy that erupted in her heart at the sound of Natalia's words.

"How do you know?" Joana asked.

"When he saw me, he was excited, happy. He said he missed me. His reaction to me could never be compared to the way he looked when he saw you. You are his world, Joana. Even if my feelings for him were still there, I could never get in between you two. You both have fought for years to get back to each other. Three government agencies, a rogue king, and memory loss couldn't stand between you two. How could I?"

Joana put an arm around Natalia's neck.

"I am glad to have you back, Natalia," Joana said, closing her eyes.

"I am glad to have the chance to fight by your side again, Joana."

Joana tucked the ring into her shirt as soon as Bucky asked to take a walk with her.

She didn't know if he remembered giving it to her sister all those years ago, or if he thought she had it now. She wasn't sure what to do with it now that he was awake. He wanted to marry her then, but there was no saying he still wanted to marry her now. After all the things she had done...

"Steve told me you found your family," Bucky said, breaking their momentary silence. Joana nodded with a smile.

"Yes. Winnie's husband and her kids, but also Jackson's side of the family."

"So, Winnie's dead?"

Joana nodded.

"I'm sorry, Jo."

Joana shook her head.

"Don't be sorry. She lived an amazing life. She lived a full life." Joana reached up to the chain around her neck. She found herself doing so in the past two weeks whenever she thought of Winnie or Bucky. It was almost like a comfort to Joana, like Winnie was right there with her.

Bucky was silent, chewing on his lip.

"What?" Joana asked, looking at him.

"Nothing. It's nothing."

"I know that look, Bucky. You have something to say. Spit it out," she said with an attempt at a smile.

"There is so much I want to say to you, but at the same time, I don't want to say anything at all."

Joana sighed and lowered her head.

"I can't pretend to know how to fix any of this, Bucky," she said. "Because I'm just as lost as you are."

Bucky heaved.

"There are a lot of really bad things I remember, Joana," he told her, voice thick with emotion. "A lot of really terrible things. Do you want to know what the worst one was?"

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