Letters to Santa

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♒️ Aquarius: ♒️
Dear Santa,
This Christmas, this Christmas I'm going to stop asking for soccer balls and new friends. This year, I want to be able to be able to start my own business and start a new relationship. I want to be given opportunities, and yes, I know, these things can't be out under the Christmas tree or be stuffed in a box topped with a bow, but I would really appreciate this.

♓️ Pisces: ♓️
Dear Santa,
I'm getting older now and it's time for me to start buying Christmas presents for the younger ones but I'm stumped. Please send whatever you think they'd like and sign them off as if the gift is from me. They get the present they like and I don't have to go Christmas shopping, it's a win-win situation.

♈️ Aries: ♈️
Dear Santa,
Please help me get through the finals without dying. I studied so hard but I know I'll take one look at the first question and forget how to read. If you have to inject knowledge into my brain, I'm willing to go through the pain. I won't ask anything more, no presents, except maybe some tickets to the Super Bowl, but just that.

♉️ Taurus: ♉️
Dear Santa,
Every year since I was four, I've been asking you for food. Every year, I get food and I love it. This is why I have so much faith in you and your reindeer. But this year, I'm going to ask you for something else. Please magically make me fluent in French because I'm trying really hard to impress someone in my Chemistry class.

♊️ Gemini: ♊️
Dear Mrs.Claus,
This year, just like every year, I'm sending you a letter. While everyone is busy asking your dear old husband for presents, you become forgotten. He's the one who goes around eating cookies and drinking milk and being a child's hero while you have to work hard making sure everything is going well behind the scenes. It's time you get credit for the work you do, so please take this note as my token of appreciation.

♋️ Cancer: ♋️
Dear Santa,
My nephews came up to me and made fun of tree decorating skills, and even though it's Christmas Eve, could you please fix my tree while you drop by to deliver presents. Maybe wrap the lights correctly, replace the old rusty ornaments? And under the tree, you could you to just drop a guide to decorating a tree so you don't have to do this next year too.

♌️ Leo: ♌️
Dear Santa,
Could you possibly let me borrow one of your elves until next Christmas. See, I don't have that much time these days and a handy helper sure would make things easier. He could do my homework and I could reward him with whatever elves like. I'll take good care of him and be loving and whatnot.

♍️ Virgo: ♍️
Dear Santa,
Well my little cousin is forcing me to do this. I'm not going to send this letter anyways. Santa isn't real, flying reindeer are definitely not real. I love Christmas, don't get me wrong, but you old man, are false hope young children have. We go out and spend all of our money on presents and YOU get the credit. This is so unfair.

♎️ Libra: ♎️
Dear Santa,
Um, so I was wondering if you could help me fulfill my childhood dream. When you drop by at my house, could you, maybe, pay me a visit? I will be over the moon if I could hug you and tell you about how you're my hero. I just, I would be eternally grateful and would be happy enough to lead a depression-free life from now on.

♏️ Scorpio: ♏️
Dear Santa,
Hey, it's your biggest fan here! As you know, other kids my age have posters of Shawn Mendes and stuff all over their room, but my world revolves around you. The reason I'm writing to you is to tell you that I made a couple extra cookies this year for you so you can take them back to the North Pole and share them with your elves and Mrs.Claus. I made around 4328 dozen. If there aren't enough for everyone, don't be afraid to send me a quick letter so I know to make more next year.

♐️ Sagittarius: ♐️
Hey St.Nick,
What's up my man? Is it cold down there in the North Pole? Probably. But you have enough fat to get you through that, haha, I'm kidding, take it easy man. How old are you by the way? Couple centuries, maybe... I've gotta say, you hide your age pretty well. Anyways, what do you do when you're not worried about children's gifts? Take selfies with penguins and polar bears, or are those from the South Pole? Whatever, they're the same thing, am I right?

♑️ Capricorn: ♑️
Hi Santa,
I've been feeling kind of down lately. I was hoping you could give me some holiday spirit while I'm asleep. I always seem to be gloomy and I knew that if anybody could help me, it was you. Maybe you have some secret magical snow from the North Pole that makes people happy. If something like that exists, please sprinkle some on me. Thanks Santa!

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