Chapter 12- A Kiss and Escape

Start from the beginning

"Doesn't seem that way from how you've been acting."

"Says the one who's been ignoring me all day."

"I haven't been ignoring you."

"Oh, but you've been avoiding me."


"Cause you haven't said anything to me ALL day, and don't give me that bull about the difference between ignoring and avoiding."

"Quit cutting me off!"

"Or what?!" The silhouette of his arms raised up. "Do what you must."

I turned and pointed my finger at what I think is his chest. Why is it so dark in here? "And if I shoved and punched you right here. What then?!"

I felt him tense up in anger.

"Jack! What. Would. You. Do? Hit me?"

He suddenly relaxed and murmured. "Nothing.."

Oh my goodness, my heart is thumping. I thought he was gonna hit me. Also, I wanna kiss him, but I can't. We're fighting.

"Nothing? But....even though....even if I hurt you."

"You didn't hurt me."

"Then why are you mad at me?"

"I'm not-"

"You are. And I don't blame you." I murmured looking down. Again. Why is it so dark?

"What are you talking about?"

A tear started to slide down my cheek. "I hurt you, even though you've done so much for me."

He scoffed. "I haven't done that much..."

Glaring at him, I then lifted my hand and smacked him across what I think is his face.

"What the-"

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!" I yelled, making him immediately clam up. "You always know the right thing to say, and defend me when mostly everyone is against me. You hold me close when I am upset, and cheer me up on my darkest days. You've saved my life more than once and love me for me. You call that NOTHING."

He stared into my eyes and said "Well if you think I'm so great, then why'd you reject me?"

Without a moments hesitation, I responded, "Because I was scared." He looked at me for a better answer.

I sighed deeply. "I'm a girl who's never felt true love in her life, Jack. I'm not some hot cheerleader you can make out with in the locker rooms."

"Oh trust me. I know that."

I felt like a wave had crushed my heart. "What is that supposed to mean?"

He once again tended up, but this time in fear, as he realized what he just said. "Cynthia..."

"Would you rather I had been a cheerleader?! Some 'sexy' girl you can make out in a bathroom just like this?"

I was too angry to cry. I was too afraid to blink, because I was scared he would disappear.

But....he didn't.

He pulled me closer to him, leaned down and literally kissed me like there was no tomorrow. I started to sigh a little as he pulled me closer. He moved inches away from my mouth and murmured.

"Why the hell would I want a cheerleader when I can have a amazing girl as hot as you?"

My mind told me to say 'You only like me cause I'm hot?' Or 'I guess I'm your hot cheerleader.' But, what I ended up saying was, "You're hot like fire."

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