It started with meeting

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Hi, I'm Park Jimin and I'm 19 years old. And I am about to become a kpop star. Or at least I'm joining a group for Kpop.

I'm gay, and not out yet. So joining a kpop group full of boys is going to be an experience. But I think I can handle it, maybe. I have anxiety and OCD and very bad in fact, so meeting new people is very hard.

I've been a trainee for about three months and now they are putting me in a group that is supposed to debut in a bit.
I got ready and made sure everything was packed. Then went to meet the people I would be spending the next years of my life with, if everything goes well. And well let's get started shall we.


"Ah. You must be Park Jimin." The boy with dark brown hair spoke.

"Yes, I am." I shyly smiled.

"Why, hello, nice to meet you. I'm NamJoon, Kim NamJoon. I'm the leader and spokes person of Bangtang." He reaches his hand out, silently asking for me to shake it.

I shook his and just smiled.

I'm so awkward, damn.

"Well shall me the rest of the gang?"

"Yes." I smiled.

I'm excited but no not really I don't want to meet them....

We walked together into a room. In the room sat 5 somewhat handsome boys. NamJoon introduced me to everyone, and I was really shy and nervous. Wouldn't you be if you were in my place. All these boys have known each other for a while now, and since I'm the last to join, I'm a noobie to them.

However what I thought about most of the time was they were all really cute, but the only one boy caught my attention, really was Min Yoongi. He was really cute, but he was distant.

We talked for a while to get to know each other, before Yoongi stood up.

"I'm going to my room. Nice meeting you Jimin." He half smiled and went on his way before anyone could say goodbye.

Hm, what's up with him?

They just shrugged, so I did too and we just talked until it was time to get ready for bed. I took a shower and did my things before I got in my new bed.

Yoongi's cute. I mean, I can't date him. I can never. If I did I would probably get kicked out. Once we gain a following, that could get bad. Yeah. Jimin you can't date him. Okay? Okay.

I turned off my light and went to sleep.

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