Chapter 15 | Christmas Miracle | Finale

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Laurance's POV

My eyes stare into Garroth's quietly as he tilts his head. He has probably already noticed the sweat going down my body. My red cheeks. My shaking stature. He probably has noticed every single thing that makes me look nervous.

I avert my eyes upwards to look at the mistletoe for a few seconds before looking back at Garroth.

My ears ringed with the girls' squeals of delight and the boys' laughter that echoed throughout the house. Aaron held a drink in his hand, lifting it and winking at me, causing me to glare at him and mouth 'You're dead once this is over.' Only causing him to chuckle at me and roll his eyes.

I glance around at everyone, and let me describe the man culprits' expressions to every single one of you.

Aaron- A smug as smirk on his face as he drinks his stupid drink.
Aphmau- Squealing like a dying chipmunk and laughing a bit as well.
Kawaii~Chan- Probably dying for all I know.
Travis and Dante- Giggling and acting like a school's gossip girls.

It was irritating to say the least.

I look back at Garroth and blush more. I notice him gulp and then he points up at the mistletoe, causing me to smirk slightly. My confidence is definitely kicking in with Garroth acting like this around me. It's cute, adorable you could say.

Garroth's POV

Sweat started to form as I noticed what Laurance was so nervous about.

We were both standing under a mistletoe, everyone had scary or you could say creep looks lurking on their faces. Some smug, some looked like they were going to die from blood loss (examine Kawaii~Chan and Aphmau for example-)

I mean.. Laurance is hot and all. His green sweater clenched his skin and it showed his muscles. His skinny jeans hugged his legs perfectly, making me drool slightly.

I bit the inside of my lip as I notice Laurance smirking at me with I know some devil smile hiding behind there- You get away with this you little s-

He leans down so our eyes are aligned.

I blush in embarrassment at how close we are, the people and everything basically.

"S-So.." I chuckle nervously, "H-How was your day- Wah!"

I screeched slightly as he wraps an arm tightly around my waist, his other hand grabbing mine and lifting it. He then tugged me close and leaned close to my face. His hot breath going into my mouth as I inhale and he exhales.

"D-Do we have t-to k-kiss?" I question nervously, leaning my head back a bit only to have Laurance grabbed my chin and move my head back to it's original position, causing me to blush even more.

"We have to kiss, Garroth."

"N-no! W-we don't have t-to!"

"Come on! Everyone is counting on us to do it! Look! They're all watching."

"T-that m-m-makes it w-worse! L-Laurance!"

"Aw! Come on! It won't be that bad!"


"Come on! Kiss already!" Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn and Aphmau squeal at them.

"You can hear the ladies. Come on Gar~Gar, give me a little kiss~"


I felt like I was going to pass out right then and there. My face was red and sweaty, my body felt as hot as 20 peppers going into your mouth at once.

Christmas Miracle [Garrance AU] {Mini-Story}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن