"You don't have to beat around the bush, I'll respect your decision," He says, noticing my hesitation.

I sucked in a deep breath before continuing, "Jaemin, I think I still stand by what I said on Friday, I don't want to-"

"Yo, Nana! Ara!"

Jaemin and I were equally puzzled at the interruption as we turned around to find a rushed Jeno. He jogged over to us and smiled, showcasing his crescent eyes. Jeno and Jaemin quickly did their handshake before Jeno turned his attention to me. His lips turned up to form a smile, but his eyes seemed dull.

"Hey munchkin, sorry about this morning," Jeno said ruffling my hair. I let out a small smile as my mind tried to erase my previous thoughts.

"Stop doing that," I muttered as I fixed my hair. Before I started falling for Jeno, this little action would have no affect on me, but nowadays, it sent a chill up my spine.

Jaemin coughed from beside me causing me to turn to him. I had totally forgot that he was standing next to me.

"I'll talk to you later, okay?" He patted my back before leaving for the cafeteria.

I turned to look at Jeno, awaiting what he's here to say.

"Ara, I have to talk to you about something," Jeno finally lets out. Something inside me had told me that Jeno was here to say something important, why else would he want to tell me now instead of at the cafeteria.

"I had a feeling." I sighed causing him to scoff.

"You always know," He laughed leading me to nod in response.

"What's up," I questioned.

Jeno was hesitant and he fidgeted with his fingers causing me to think of the worst. Many years of knowing Jeno led me to read him like an open book. Jeno hated confrontation.

"Don't be mad, but..." He started only to become quiet and look around. He was avoiding my eyes as if meeting them would turn him into stone.

"... I can't work on the annual project with you this year."

That was when the strings I had tied around my heart tore apart.

"Why not?" I frowned.

"Areum and I came up with a great idea and I just think it would be better if I worked with her." Jeno nervously ran his hand through his hair.

I was trying to keep myself from exploding, but suddenly all the pain formed itself into anger. To say I was upset was an understatement, I was fuming with rage. First, the inconvenience with the ride this morning, then Areum taking my seat in history, this was like the last straw.

"Jeno, what the heck? That's so unfair. Why would you tell me this now when we already have everything outlined and planned?!"

Jeno was taken back.

"Don't overreact Ara-" Jeno started only to be cut by me.

"I'm not overreacting, even you would be annoyed if I cancelled on you like this." I grumbled out before turning around and rushing to the cafeteria.

It was as if Jeno was throwing all of our traditions away and neither my mind or heart was taking this in a positive light.

When I entered the cafeteria, I earned some waves from Chenle and Jisung and I managed to let out a small smile in return. I quickly opted to scan my surroundings for a certain pink haired boy who was nowhere to be found. That was until I saw him walking towards our usual table with an apple in his hand and all the adrenaline in my body pushed me right in front of him.

Jaemin was quite stunned to see me pop up as he halted his footsteps. I must've looked disarrayed compared to about ten minutes ago because he holds onto my upper arm as soon as he notices me.

"Are you okay?" Jaemin questioned as his eyes bored into mine for answers.

It was silent for a few seconds as I only looked around, trying to figure out if I was making the right decision.

"I can't take it anymore-" I exasperated, my eyes blazing with fire.

"I'm in, I'm fucking in Jaemin, I'll do it."


happy christmas eve guys! 

I was planning on uploading this a few weeks ago,

 but I've been really busy with school. 

anyway, hope it didn't suck. 

vote if you're sitting down right now  :D



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