05.Report and Classes

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Present time, POV 3

Kaldur, Conner, Megan, Roy, and Artemis all made their way back into the cafeteria. Once threw the double door they made a beeline for the boys cell.

Once inside they had Roy and Conner stand guard to warn them if anyone was coming. Kaldur presses the button to contact Batman.

When they got though they where met with the gruff voice of Batman.

"Aqualad report"

"We have found out who the princes are. We also confirmed that they are not trying to escape, only give the kids in here a better chance at a good life when they get out" Kaldur reported.

"Very good, now who are the princes" Batman pressed

"They are-" Kaldur started but was cut off by Roy "Hey someone is coming"

"Apologies Batman we will contact you soon" Kaldur said before turning the device off.

Kaldur turned around to see Dick and Wally approaching the cell.

"Thought we would find you here. Come on it lunch time" Wally said, then grabbed Dicks  hand and walked off.

The team, let out a breath they did not know they were holding. Then they got up and followed the couple to the cafeteria where they got their food and sat down.

Once they sat down they were questioned about the classes they wanted to take, by Liza. "Ok so before we were so rudely interrupted, Artemis if you want to what language would you like to learn?"

"Um, how about I just continue to learn Spanish, if that's ok" Artemis asked

"That's fine Artemis, I have a class at 10:00 right after breakfast" Dick said

Artemis smiled. "Ok now, you don't seam like you need English how about math?" Liza inquired

"Sure, but I do go to Gotham Academy so I'm a little more advanced than other kids" Artemis explained

"Great I can put you in a class at 11:00, with some other Gotham Academy kids" Sam put in

"And then after lunch you will got to mannerism and self defense classes, those are mandatory for kids who just come in and then you could do something else or you could stay in the class" Sofie told the teens

The teens just nodded and continued making schedules for the time that they would be here. In the end Conner ended up with English and math as well as science, he insisted on the last.

Roy chose to study French and advanced Math. Megan also got English and science. Kaldur chose math and science. All of them have to do the mannerisms class as well as the self defense class.

"Ok so now that we have the classes sorted how about we give you a real tour?" Dick asked

He got a chorus of 'yes' or 'ok'. Then he looked to his group asking "do you guys want to tag along or do you have something to do?"

"I would love to but Matt and myself have a boy who wanted a private lesson for self defense" Sofie said while dragging Matt out the door.

"How about you guys" he said looking at Liza and Sam "sorry boss, but Sam and I have new books to read. We're off to the library" Liza said

"Ok and then there was seven. How about we go to the class rooms the then we can point things out along the way ending with outside, that sound good?" Wally asked the group

Wally got a bunch of nodding heads saying yes. With that the group got up and started going down a hallway. As they were passing they saw rooms that looked like classrooms, one of witch had a long rectangular table. This was the mannerisms classroom.

They passed the gym, they passed the sparing room, where Sofie and Matt were teaching a young boy. They passed the library where Liza and Sam were reading. They went though the hallways with the cells and then they went outside.

They were walking on the track when Megan asked "How did you two get in here. I mean did you do something bad?"

Wally and Dick looked at each other and sighed. "It's a long story" Dick confessed "well not that long just me getting wrongly accused and Dick having a crappy social service agent" Wally deadpanned

Megan, and all the others in the group pitted the couple. "What do you mean? 'Wrongly accused' and 'crappy social service agent'" Roy asked

"Well my father beat my mother to death, I tried to stop him got a punch to the face and then was accused of killing my mother while my monster of a father had a free life" Wally said

Dick saw that this was making Wally a little uncomfortable and entwined his fingers with his giving a supportive squeeze. Wally felt this a have Dick a small smile.

"My friend, I'm sorry if we came upon a touchy subject" Kaldur put a comforting hand on Wally shoulder.

"No it's fine, Dick here got it worse."

"What do you mean" Artemis questioned

Wally gave Dick a looked and Dick sighed. "When I was about seven maybe eight. My family and I were about to preform, my parents got on the trapeze and when I was about to jump the rope holding my parents snapped. I watched them fall to their death. I was the lucky one. I was able to see my parents funeral, witch was sponsored by Mr Wayne, so if I ever get to meet him I want to thank him. Now instead of going into foster care I was put here because the social service agent thought that I would corrupt the other kids in the orphanage because of my heritage. So I ended up here" By the end Dick had tears in his eyes.

Artemis and Megan both had glassy eyes. Conner and Roy were less bruty and had a different view on the boys, Kaldur was the one to speak first.

"I'm sorry you both had to go though those things. Now how about some funny stories, I'm sure you have a bunch your in a building full of kids"

Wally and Dick looked like they flipped a switch and started grinning. They told them stories of past kids pranks they have seen and many more. They talked until sunset then got dinner and went to bed.

To Be Continue...

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