week five.

521 6 3

Thursday 5:36 PM

Grace was getting back from walking her dog Pixie as she was welcomed by her cousin Benjamin. "I've been wanting to talk to you." Ben said as he closed the door for Grace as she took her dog off the leash letting her go get water. "Uh okay?" Grace said looking at Ben as he grabbed her hand dragging her to the couch. "What is this about Ben?" Grace asked looking at him. "Look, you are so strong, and talented with your writing and photography." Ben said looking at her. "But I want to tell you, I know your weakness and it's your brother being with Jen." Ben said looking at Grace as she looked down. "I'm gonna try to help you get custody when you turn 18, I've been sleeping on it for a couple of months when you asked me back in April." Ben said looking at Grace. "I only didn't answer because I was in touch with her and didn't want to turn on her she's my mom, but I know what's best for Trace and it's you." Ben said looking at Grace as she looked at him leaning and hugging him. "But your not eighteen yet, so he's gonna have to stay with her until your senior year." Ben said looking at her as Grace nodded her head. "But I'm not finished." Ben said as he separated from the hug. "So I ran into your friend Daniel when I was Christmas shopping." Ben said looking at her with a small smile. "What?" Grace said as she raised her eyebrow. "And he's not my friend." Grace added looking at Ben. "Anyways.." Ben said rolling his eyes. "He wanted me to give you something, I forgot on Christmas but you really haven't been home either so." Ben said getting up going to his room and walking back to the living room with a bag. "Here you go." Ben said handing her a bag. "Uh, I don't want it." Grace said standing up handing him the bag back. "Grace why not?" Grace said walking to her room as Ben followed her. "Just open it." Ben said following her. "Benjamin Dlea Olsen, I don't want the present, you can go be pals with him and return it." Grace said shutting her room door and locking it. "Fine, be like that!" Ben said as he left with the present. Grace shook her head as she looked at her phone as a message from Megan appeared.
Megan: Did Ben still want clothes im about to go through the clothes.
Grace: Okay, on my way.

Grace was sitting on a bean bag that Megan had in her room as Megan showed her clothes. "That's cute." Grace said as Megan held it up. "I don't even remember having this." Megan said looking at it. "You want it." Megan asked. Grace looked at her. "No, the kids need it more than I do." Grace said with a smile as Megan continued to go through her stuff. "Omg this is Marlon's, I should probably give it back." Megan said holding it. "How are you two, are you guys just friends?" Grace asked. "Yes, well I don't know we went out for a smoothie and we kissed for a little while, but I realized it was wrong for Jo, he's been changing actually trying to get with me." Megan explained. "You and Jo? I thought you two were just a one night thing?" Grace said looking at her. "No I think I'm starting to like him, he's changed but I don't know." Megan shrugged throwing the sweater to the side. "You and Daniel?" Megan asked as she went through the clothes. "How are you guys?" Megan added as Grace looked up at her. "Megan, there is no me and Daniel." Grace said in a stern voice. "Yeah, of course not Kelsey would be so upset, she would have the biggest fit." Megan said as she looked at Grace. "But did you hear about the New Year's party they are having?" Megan said. "It's a kissing and hookup auction." Megan added as Grace looked at her. "Uh no?" Megan walked to her laptop and laid next to Grace. "So you know how Josefina said his friends smashed the windows the his neighbor's cars." Megan said looking over at Grace. "Yeah." Grace said as Megan went on. "Well they messed up the neighbors backyard too, so they have to pay for expenses." Megan said pulling up a football page on Instagram. "So they rented an building close buy the house and are having an auction, and selling the shirts glasses at the door." Megan said clicking a link in the Instagram bio. "Look someone is paying 200 dollars to kiss Trev." Megan said as she scrolled down to Daniel's name. "Everyone is trying to hook-up with Daniel, see $950." Megan said. "And it's still pending, Kelsey probably is gonna want in on this" Megan said with a giggle. "This is prostitution, this is not cool, there is kids who literally are forced to do stuff like this with no pay, this is disgusting." Grace said shaking her head. Megan nodded her head scrolling to P-Jo name which had $620. "He better not even touch another girl." Megan said as Grace looked at Daniel's name on the screen.

season two.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant