Krii7y/Merry Crisis

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"John! John! John!" Jaren yipped, repeatedly bouncing on his mate's stomach like a child.

John growled in irritation, firmly grabbing Jaren's small hips and holding him in place. "What the fuck, babe?" he hissed. Jaren giggled and wiggled out of John's grip, hopping off the bed and spinning before bending close to John's scrunched up face.

"Tyler's Christmas party! It. Is. Today. We are getting there early to help set-up, remember?" John just grunted and slowly sat up. Jaren giggled again, softly kissing his alpha's cheek before bouncing out of the room.

"Be at the car in ten minutes, Johnny!" "Alright, baby!" John called back before snatching up the clothes he had set out for himself the night before.


"Did we really have to listen the Christmas music the whole drive here?" John asked skeptically, his omega holding his hand and skipping beside him to Tyler's door.

"Yes, Johnny! We have to keep up our Christmas spirits! Now shut up and knock." The alpha rolled his eyes lovingly then knocked on the door, Jaren going to repeatedly ring the doorbell, both males snickering as swearing was heard inside.

"SHUT THE HELL UP, YOU MEMELORDS!" There alpha friend, Tyler, snarled while yanking open the door. John and Jaren smiled, strolling in with innocent but devilish looks, still holding hands.

"Good to see you too, Ty." John teased, before releasing his mate's hand to bro-hug his friend.

"It's good to see you fuckers. Missed ya," Smitty also hugged the giant, before saluting, John following the action.

"Private Milkbag and Private Vapelord are reporting for decorating duty, sir!" Smitty said, as seriously as he could, which wasn't at all.

Tyler crossed his arms and puffed out his chest, looking down at the two idiots. "You Privates are on light hanging duty, the lights are in the closet. Be safe, soldiers." John and Smitty saluted again, before walking away, giggling like fools.


"Lift me higher, John!" Smitty ordered. John did his best to look up at the small male on his shoulders.

"I don't want you to get hurt, babe.." Smitty smiled down at him and patted his fluffy bleached hair.

"It's only for a second to hang this string of lights, Love, I trust you." John felt his face heat up but he nodded, standing on his tippy-toes and pushing Jaren up a bit higher by his thighs. Smitty wobbled for a second but managed to steady himself and quickly stuck the lights up with a tac.

"Got it!" Smitty cheered, throwing his arms in the air. That was a bad decision because he fell backwards, screaming. John gasped and spun around, diving to the floor before Smitty so his mate crashed down onto his back. It knocked the wind out of John, and Smitty scrambled up quickly, gasping.

"Johnny! Love, are you okay? Are you hurt? I'm so sorry!" Smitty whimpered. John winced but pushed himself to stand back up, hugging his mate close and laughing breathlessly.

"I thought you were going to get hurt.. Aha.. Are you alright?" John asked, ignoring his mate's concern for him. Smitty sputtered and stared at John with big brown eyes.

"Seriously? John, I'm fine. But are you-" "If you're fine then I'm fine." John cut him off, nuzzling his head into his omega's neck and smiling. Smitty was about to protest but stopped himself, hugging John closer and smiling.

"Let's finish these lights. Maybe I can hold you up this time." Smitty joked. John laughed and nodded, "Alright, lift me, Jaren!" then he jumped on the small Canadian's back and they both fell to the floor again, laughing hysterically.

Tyler just shook his head at the two retards and went to finish up the living room.


Everyone was playing with or admiring and comparing their presents. Vanoss had given them all joke presents, like Tyler's purple and pink toy watch from the Dollar Tree, and brought little Christmas accessories for them all to wear. Smitty got little brown antlers and put a little red and white bow clip in John's hair.
John was currently using his new vape pen, a gift from Mini and Sammy. Smitty was taking a bunch of pictures and selfies with Brian's new selfie stick, the mentioned Irishman drinking and laughing with Scotty and Nogla. Everyone was chatting and enjoying themselves.
"Say cheese, Johnny!" Smitty threw an arm around his alpha, having to stand on his tippy toes. John took another hit from his juul, blowing out smoke moments before Smitty snapped the picture.
"Aw, Jooohn! You can't see our faces through the cloud.. " John chuckled and kissed his mate's forehead.
"Sorry, Smit. Why are you taking so many pictures anyway?" He asked curiously.
Smitty looked down for a second before looking back into John's eyes with a heart - melting smile.
"I want to cover the walls of our house with pictures of us so I will never forget all our great times together.. And how much you love me... " He whispered the last part,  John leaning closer with a raised eyebrow.
"What was that last part, baby?" Smitty gulped, cracking his knuckles as a distraction.
"I said.. To remember all these great moments and to remind myself that you love me. In case we ever fight or something.. " John smiled, putting his juul in his hoodie pocket and grabbing the other's hand.  He pulled Smitty into the second floor bathroom and locked the door.
He lifted his confused mate onto the counter and stood between his legs, grinning.
"Baby, I'll make sure you never forget how much I love you.."

And Smitty will never forget that Christmas. Never.

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