"No!"I screamed crying harder he can't do this to me he's not my Dad!! Why is it happening to me now?! Why now?! I pushed him away getting myself out of his grip he looked at me shocked Aunty, Anna and Olaf came upstairs and Aunty told Anna to take olaf somewhere else and she did.

"YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!! YOU'RE NOT MY DAD!! I WON'T MARRY HIM!!! YOU DON'T CONTROL ME!! I WILL RUN AWAY BUT I WON'T STAY HERE!! YOU ALWAYS MADE ME FEEL LIKE A BURDEN YOU NEVER LOVED ME YOU ALWAYS HATED ME I DON'T KNOW WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU!!!! AND I LOVE THAT GUY!! I WILL GO BACK TO LOS ANGELES AND STUDY AND I WILL TOTALLY SEE THAT GUY AGAIN AND AGAIN AND YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!! YOU HEARD ME?!! YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING!!!!"I yelled at the top of my lungs wiping my tears away he looked at me in a fit of fury as he slapped me hard and I fell on the floor cupping my cheek as I felt burning sensation on it and tears began to trickle down my cheeks again Aunty gasped covering her mouth.

"I can't do anything? Huh? I will show you what I can do, just you watch"He began to look here and there in the room like a madman Aunty helped me up hugging me silently crying.

He grabbed my suitcase where my books were and opened it as he nodded his head he grabbed the dustbin that was in my room and began to throw my books in it I let go of Aunty and looked at him not knowing what to do or what to say he went downstairs.

"What is he going to do with my books?"I asked Aunty she wiped my tears away crying I shook her hands away as I went to the dustbin and was about to take my books out when Uncle came upstairs again and pulled me away throwing patrol on my books my eyes widened.
ORDINARY | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary

"What are you doing? Stop it!! You're ruining my books!! Please stop!! I'm sorry don't do this!! Please I beg you!! Please stop don't do this to me!!"I tried pulling him away but he won't budge I looked at Aunt for help but she just stood there crying.

I cried harder when he threw the match stick in the dustbin my eyes widened when I saw my books burning in front of me he left my room I fell on my knees as tears won't stop coming out of my eyes then I don't know what came in me I put my hands in the dustbin and began to get my books out of it not caring about my hands that were burning Aunty screamed as she pulled me backwards Anna came along and they both engulfed me in a tight hug as I cried harder on Aunty's chest.

Jack's POV:
                 We went home everyone was quiet not saying anything on our way to home I unlocked the door and we all got inside I threw my blazer on the couch.

"What the hell Jack?!"Mom said strictly I turned to her what the hell?! I will tell them.

"What the hell? I should be asking this!! How dare you arrange my marriage with that ordinary girl!?!"I yelled pointing my index finger towards her face her eyes widened at my behavior.

"Jackson Overland Frost how dare you talk to your Mother like this? Say sorry right this instant!!"Dad said angrily I looked at the both of them with hatred why would I say sorry?! I will never!!

"Why should I? Because you arranged my marriage? Never! You know what? You people can't see me happy because I was happy with my girlfriend I--"Mom cut me off as she chuckled bitterly what's funny in it? I gritted my teeth.

"She makes you happy? I don't see it, She makes herself happy using you she never loved you or anything you have money that's what she's after, besides you stopped smiling when that Isabella died and you're talking about being happy I know you don't love her nor do you love anymore"Mom said I looked down remembering her Isabella I shook my head trying to get her out of my mind and....... I placed my hand on my heart that still beats for her her words came straight to my heart like a sharp knife.

The Tale Of A Broken Soul ~Jelsa~Where stories live. Discover now