Chapter Sixteen: Sparking Blade

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This wasn't going well.

The army was slowly overpowering our forces.

Ellie had come back with Leomon-who she claimed was her partner-and they were helping big time. Ellie had bottom out her lipstick taser and was having a blast. Genevieve seemed to be limping from an injury.

I was punching enemies in a frenzy, but I was tiring. Panting, I looked up and saw a column of light from the forest. I felt myself go pale.


I ran off in the direction of the forest, breathing heavily.


It was stunning. "Did.....I do that?" I whispered in confusion.

"Nice, Delaney! He digivolved!" TK exclaimed.

"Digi.....volved?" I wondered quietly.

"It's when Digimon grow in power. He digivolved into FireSorcermon," Kari explained.

I stared in awe.

"You tried to unbalance the forces of good and evil. Time to pay, Devimon +!" FireSorcermon held up his sword and closed his eyes. "Sparking Blade!" A firebird creature was created from the fire surrounding the sword. The bird flew into the air and squawked. Fire erupted in every direction. The bird then dove down and make contact with Devimon +.

Devimon + was thrown off his feet and he landed near my feet.

FireSorcermon levitated next to me. He swung his sword and Devimon + looked fearful.

"It's time that we finish this," FireSorcermon said.

My crest began to glow. I looked down at the light. It soon expanded to surround FireSorcermon and I. The light focused to the tip of FireSorcermon's sword.

"Wizard of Heart!" The words formed in my mouth as well as FireSorcermon's.

The light exploded and struck Devimon +, who seemed to evaporate or something. He turned into an egg and the egg flew off.

FireSorcermon glowed and began to shrink. He became a bouncing small head.

"Who are you?" I asked in confusion.

"I'm Reemon, the in-training form of Wizardmon and FireSorcermon."

"Well, it's time for us to head home." I looked at Kari and TK. We all watched Angemon become Patamon and Angewomon become Salamon.

"I agree. We'll probably have to pick up the extras from the attack. And I thought cleaning my room took forever!" TK exclaimed.

I giggled. "TK is right. Let's head home," Kari suggested.

Carrying our de-digivolved partners, we all started our walk back to the school.

I tripped over a tree trunk with its roots spread out. I got to my feet and continued the walk, ignoring the pain in my ankle.

We ran into Kyoi, who looked at us, totally lost. She walked with us to the school.


More silence.

And even more silence.

When we finally walked through the school gates, I gasped. There were stones everywhere and dust was settling over the broken building.

When I spotted Ellie, I limped over to her, hoping no one would notice.

"You okay?" Ellie asked me. I nodded.

So much for no one noticing.

"Wizardmon defeated Devimon +. But now we have to clean up the stupid mess that guy made."

A small rustle came from a pile of stones. A Kuwagamon popped out. Kyoi walked up, clearly irritated.

"I got this," she told Ellie and I.

She jumped and punched the big Digimon and once an egg returned to Primary Village, she walked by Ellie and I again.

"What?" she asked.

Oh man.

Some things never change.

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