Chapter Fifteen: The Crest of Heart

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Why did they make me run away? Kyoi had gone back to fight. Why couldn't Kari, TK, and I?

It was unfair. From as far as I could tell a few miles away, the invaders were winning.

I could see a few large and noticeable Digimon, such as Garudamon and Zudomon. Many were lost from sight, however. The larger ones vanished after lightning, which made me gulp.

When I heard roaring footsteps, I grabbed TK and Kari's hands and pulled them behind a bush with me.

Breathing nearly in silence, we looked up and saw a face.

"Devimon!" TK gasped.

I went pale. I had heard about him and how he had made Angemon turn into a Digi-Egg.

"Wizardmon!" I yelled. He rose up from the ground. Gatomon and Patamon appeared as well.



Wizardmon shot a beam from his staff. "Magical Game!"

"Hand of Fate!" Angemon shouted.

"Celestial Arrow!" Angewomon called. Their attacks hit him. I pulled out my blue Digivice.

"Devimon +, an ultimate level Digimon. According to this, he's twice as powerful,as his champion variation!" I exclaimed.

"Devimon was tough enough to defeat! What now?!?" TK asked in shock.

"I don't know! I hoped I would never see him!" Kari said nervously.

Devimon looked at us with an evil grin. "They always said the smallest would destroy me. Time to get rid of them now!"

Devimon's hand glowed a dark red color as he aimed and fired. I stood protectively on front of Kari and TK.

But then another figure took a spot in for of me.


I screamed in horror. I ran to him while Angemon and Angewomon held Devimon off. I looked down on him.

"Wizardmon," I said, trailing off. "Listen. I never knew what friendship was until you entered my life. You showed me true love. I never understood what love was until you showed up and changed that. As Gatomon once said, a lonely heart hardens. You softened mine. I care about you too much to lose you, best friend."

The ground under Kari and TK rumbled. They jumped to the side and the stone flew towards me. A golden yellow object formed.

A tag. The stone went inside of the tag, turning an aqua color. The crest began to glow from around my neck.

A tear rolled on my face and landed on Wizardmon's cheek near his closed eyes and now ripped clothes. A symbol appeared where the tear landed. I later realized that the symbol that appeared was the same one on my crest. I opened my teary eyes to see Wizardmon allowing the same aqua color as my crest.


Wizardmon now had a golden sword with red flames surrounding it. Gold armor with occasional bronze pieces covered his body now. A red bandana covered his mouth. His eyes stayed the same green color, his hair now longer. His skin was a pale yellow-orange. I stared in awe.

"FireSorcermon," I whispered.

Wizardmon was now at the ultimate stage. And when I looked at my Digivice, it was aqua.

The same color as my crest.

The Crest of Heart.

Digimon Academy ChaptersOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora