"You didn't need him honey, it was obvious he's a dick." The old woman said with a nod.

I stare at them a moment.

"Uhh..." I say with a low tone before going silent, I'll let them believe what they'd like. Its not like I could say I was sort of kidnapped and dumped off at a gas station by a transformer. And even if they did, I would probably be in some major shit, specially with how strict the government is about reporting alien activity.

I look around before walking towards the back of the store towards the restroom, walking inside I turn on the faucet and begin to clean my hands off to prevent them from getting infected later on. After finishing with my hands I leave the restroom and look through the store shelves before grabbing a box of bandages, a large tea and a bag of chips. My shoes patter against the tile flooring of the store as I make my way to the counter, setting my items down the elderly lady gives me another sympathetic look as she rings up the stuff. Once I had paid for my items I walked out the door and sit on the bench next to the entrance.

I set my drink and chips down as I put band aids on my hands carefully with a low hum, once that was taken care of I open my chips and tea and begin to eat and drink. I hadn't even been able to get a second chip before a heard a powerful engine approach, before stopping as an aggressive rev I recognized reached my ears.

Oh great.

I looked up as I hear a car door pop open, and I see the yellow/gold Lamborghini autobot parked in front of me.

"Get in." He growled.

Feeling a little defiance I narrow my eyes as I loudly crunch down on a chip.

"No." I reply smoothly though I instantly felt dread as soon as the word left my lips.

The Lamborghini's's engine practically roared before the autobot very quickly and aggressively transformed. I let out a slight squeal as the bot slams his fist down in front of me, the concrete below cracking apart. My eyes meet with his bright electric blue ones, and he gives me the nastiest look I had ever seen in my life.

"Your coming with me flesh bag or I'll dismember you like the insect you are." He sneered.

I look at him wide-eyed as my glasses slipped down my nose slightly, I quickly nod as I clutch my food and tea close to me like a life line.

He gives me a sarcastic and disgusted look.

"Good." He growled before transforming back into the Lamborghini. He popped open the passenger door and I quickly crawl in, and instantly I'm retrained in the seat.

"Your going to guide me around on the wretched mud-hole of a planet, like it or not." He sneered.

Mutely I nod, and jolt slightly as he slams on his breaks and peels out of the gas station and onto the road. He gradually picked up speed till he was going WAY above the speed limit, taking old highways rather than going on the more driven freeways.

Not liking the tense and rather unnerving silence I shuffle slightly before speaking.

"W-what is your uh...name." I say softly and awkwardly.

He scoffs, acting like it was insult I was even talking to him.

"Sunstreaker flesh-bag." He replied finally after a tense 5 minutes had passed.

Go figure.

"Andreea is my name." I say with a bit more confidence.

He scoffed but said nothing.

"So uh, where is it your wanting to go?" I question.

"Texas." He said simply with an arrogant tone.

When the Sun Falls (Transformers Fic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें