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She walked down the forest, as the slimy girl appeared from her belly button. "Alright, alright, let me do some explaining." Olivia gestured her arms. "With your arms and legs, if you push hard enough, you can spray out my slime, okay? You can fly with that. As well, you lose ten pounds for every three seconds you spray, so always have food on you. When you spray, we get hungry, so you have to be eating. We gain ten pounds for each bite of food. As well, you can inflate people, but be warned, that you can be inflated too. Each slime has a different type of ability. I'm fat and precise, and supposedly that other girls ability was to not just spray her slime but to hold it at a certain range to be able to choke you properly. Don't let your weight go below 160lbs. The slime could burst out at the right, depending on the slime's current size, which could be deposited through waste, y'know? And we're always dissolving in your body, so you have to drink soda, or some sort of fizzy drink to keep us sustained."

Lily kept walking along until she found a stump in the ground and sat on it. "Well, why the hell should I work with you? This all is pretty weird, and I'd like to go back to my normal life." She seemed pretty pissed. She didn't want to stay fat for all of her life. She just wanted to go back to her normal life. Olivia sighed, a little irritated. "Everybody you know and love can become like you, fat and obese, with slimes like us living in them. I'm trying a lot to convince you." Lily swayed her head left and right. "I'm not doing this for you. I'm going back home, and not going back to work, for sure." She got up, and started making her way home. It might've been selfish, but she wasn't going to risk her life to save a species of slime, who, by the way, made her so fat in the first place.

Lily returned home and sat on the couch. Olivia tried speaking to her, to convince her and give her just a chance, but Lily just tuned her out and listened to her television. She at least had the decency to drink a whole lot of soda while she was at it, to make sure the slime would not kill her as she sat. She would just have to keep a secret; if this secret got out to the public, it would be disastrous for her. However, she heard a slight knock on her door. She turned to her door, before it was busted down by the police. "Police! On the ground, now!" They shouted at Lily. With no real plan, Lily quickly got up and got on the ground. [Lily!] Olivia called, but it was too late, as she was knocked out unconscious via a gun to the head...

Lily awoke. She looked around her. Darkness, pure darkness, except for a single light bulb, just barely hanging from a thread, shining above her head and around her body. She was restrained in a chair, unable to move, or act with her slime. She also felt lighter. A lot lighter, dangerously lighter. She looked down. Holy shit! She was way underweight! 75lbs! Realizing her slime powers were gone, Olivia must've been extracted from her body, making her back to a normal size. But she shouldn't be underweight! She then heard footsteps, thundering footsteps. Those footsteps could easily crack the ground with their sound. Approaching was a... Muscular skinny woman? She looked only 180lbs of muscle, with a little pot belly but that was it. However, the footsteps made the ground crack. It confused Lily, as the woman eventually was in front of her. It was Elizabeth! 

Elizabeth was drop dead gorgeous. Deep blue eyes, smooth and pretty white skin, and silky luscious blonde hair. She was pretty tall, too, at 6'3". She might've looked 180lbs, but in reality, she actually weighed more than a half a ton. It had something to do with her slime. Apparently, the only really known thing about her slime is that is was white, and nothing more. Elizabeth bent down to meet Lily's eyes. Lily was a bit taken aback by the beauty currently staring at her. Lily, of course, never thought she would ever even have the chance to meet eyes with Elizabeth in person. While she wasn't particularly a fan, she knew who she was, and how much importance she had currently in society. Though, what she did not know, was how much importance she had in capturing and killing slimes and slime users. Her reasoning is unknown, though, Lily would soon find out why.

"Lily Lilliquist. That's your name, is it not?" Elizabeth asked the currently shocked Lily. Lily snapped back to reality, and prepared her response. "Y-Yep! That's me..." She stuttered, obviously not making a good impression to Elizabeth. "Then you already know my name. Elizabeth Svant. Though, I do prefer to just be called Ella, please." Lily nodded, respecting the rich woman. "Why am I here?" Lily asked, as she had forgotten a bit of what transpired earlier. "Oh, dear, I shall explain..."

One day ago...

Two agents were chasing a green slime who had escaped their facility, underneath the forest. The forest had only been planted there because underneath it lied the facility of slimes. They were moving, of course, since the forest began getting more populated. Of course, while moving the slimes, one green slime decided to make a quick getaway. The slime was hard to spot in the forest, due to it being green. "Shes this way!" One of the agents shouted, as they chased and chased until they saw only a trail of slime, leading to a bush. The agents saw something in their peripheral vision: A morbidly obese woman hiding in a bush, with slime covering her lips, cheeks, chest and a bit of her ginormous stomach. It was easy to spot, as she sides of obese body, especially her stomach and hips, peeked out from the sides of the bush. It was even easier to hear her, as she stomach grumbled and groaned. The two agents pretended they didn't notice, and began to walk away. Once they were far enough, they reported to another agent. "There is a new slime user, a woman, in her mid twenties, seeming 5'1" and most likely 580lbs. She has brown hair, medium skin, green eyes. Her slime is green." The agent they were reporting to was Gianna.


The obese immobile blob known as Gianna huffed and sweated, the act of simply sitting on her spilling ginormous lardy ass was exhausting. She could barely even see, her fat body obscuring her vision, and her triple chins forcing her head to stay tilted up. She was basically a fat useless blob, as she could no longer move, her arms couldn't even reach her face anymore, and she could barely wiggle her toes. The only thing she could do was tilt her head slightly from left to right, and even that was exhausting. Her belly poured out on the pavement, as her slime inside her wriggled in a bloated pain along with Gianna. She hiccuped, belched and breathed so heavily, it could cause an earthquake. Her obese body even made a crack on the pavement, which made her feel so utterly fat and helpless. There was one last thing her needed to do, before becoming absolutely useless. She activated her sound activated ear piece. "Gianna here... I... I-I have just become... An immobile blob..." She breathed heavily, the act of talking winding her, as she took a quick break before speaking again. "The new slime... User... Her name... It's Lily... Lily Lilliquist..." She huffed and heaved those last words out, before finally passing out from all that speaking and being that blubberly and immobile.


"Gianna should be alive, though, she'll forever be immobile, and would have to be pampered, like a child, for the rest of her life." Elizabeth explained to Lily, finally finishing on what had happened. "We then stormed your house and knocked you unconscious. With you unconscious, we could extract your slime... Though, you will still die. Being this underweight will kill you." Lily's eyes widened, and just as she was about to say something, Elizabeth put her finger over her lips and hushed her. "Shh... Its okay now..." Lily saw Elizabeth's evil grin appear on her face...

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