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Lily jogged through the quiet forest. She was deep into the woods, and had another hour to go. She hopped over a rock, jogging down the path.

Lily was always known during high school as "Miss Muscular", as she athletic, muscular, 5'1" and only weighed 120lbs. She didn't mind the nickname, but with it she didn't get many guys. Her guys at school were into more thicker women, while she was just athletic and muscular. She wished she could easily get plumper, but her metabolism sucked at that. She sighed.

She then tripped over a rock, stumbled on the ground, and the fell off the cliff side. She was screaming and freaking out. This is it. Her whole life is over. Her entire life, everything that happened to her, didn't matter. She reflected on her family, friends, colleagues, crying in the air. And then- Boing! She bounced off something slimy and landed safely in a tree. She slip off the tree, and she looked to what saved her.

It was some sort of slime creature. It had a female figure, and was quiet plump, most likely weighing at 460lbs. She was a light, but not bright, green, and wore a beanie and shirt, that was surprisingly baggy. The slime creature walked over to Lily. "Oh my god, are you okay?" She asks. Lily scrambles back. "Who the- What the hell are you?!" She questions, clearly frightened. Voices and walkie talkies were heard, getting louder and louder. "I'm Olivia, I'm a slime creature, and they want to kill me!" She said. "Quickly! Eat me! I'll explain later!" Lily got up and backed up. Olivia sighed and jumped into Lily's mouth, her entire body entering Lily. Lily felt the slime creature enter her body, her lips and chest being stained with the green slime. Lily fell to the ground on her bottom. She tried to get up, but felt awfully heavier.

She had grown by a lot! She was wearing a tank top and shorts, but now she was entirely naked. She looked around at her surroundings, only spotting the tatters of clothes on the ground, only barely, as her body kind of obscured her vision, and she couldn't really tilt her head down because of something surrounding her chin. Lily, the "Miss Muscular", had grown to 585lbs of pure and utter obesity. Her flat stomach disappeared, so did her abs, in place of extremely bloated, heavy and ginormous exercise ball of a belly, still rippling from the slime girl. It had two rolls, in which her belly button was just a black hole. Her belly had obscured her toes, but something obscured some of her belly. Her breasts were sagging downward, as they were the size of beach balls! Just heaving one on one hand would make her pant. Her ass was the size of beach balls, too, but a lot bigger compared to her breasts. It seemed her breasts were actually kind of small compared to everything else of her new fat body. Humongous! Her thighs and hips had thickened out like huge chicken wings of lard. Heaving these around would be impossible, since they rubbed together, so she probably had to do an extremely exaggerated waddle, and even then, they still rubbed against each other. They could definitely crush and kill you. She developed a double chin, a third coming soon, a way puffier face, and fat arms, their lard forcing the arms to stand out like a penguins. She, basically, became extremely morbidly obese everywhere. 

"Uurp!" Oof- Uurp!" She was on a burping spree for a good second, feeling like a pig. She barely manged to wobble up, having to hug the cliffs side. She put out her arms for balance, huffing and puffing up a storm, turning red from breathing so heavily. [Hide somewhere! Or they'll kill you too!] The slime girl somehow said in her mind. She didn't have a choice, really, so she quickly- or, as quick as she could, waddle and hide in a bush. Suddenly, government agents walked by, looked around, and kept walking. [You can get up now.] She got up, out from the bush.

"What the hell happened?! You made me fat- No, not fat, you made me beyond obese!" She grabbed her belly with both hands. She huffed, her belly was heavy and hard to carry, in fact, she only got a couple samples of her now humongous belly. She jiggled it and burped. "Uurp! Oof, and I'm extremely bloated..." She burped again. Then, something slimy appeared from her belly button. A miniature Olivia peeked out! She had arms, a head, and was all slimy. "I'm sorry, it's a long story." She begins to explain.

"Two hundred years ago, the government used humans and some sort of slime chemical, and mixed us together. They created slime girls, since apparently males would die immediately after taking it. Some of the slime girls went haywire, and used their ability to inflate others to inflate the guards and kill them. They were banished into the woods, any slime or anyone seen with a slime would be killed. They're beginning to kill us all, now, using certain slimes to do their own bidding. We have to stop them!" She begs. "By the way, I hate it bringing this up, but you'll stay like this for the rest of your life."

"The rest of my life?!" Lily gasped loudly. "Yeah. We slimes have no idea how to leave a human afterward, other than them dying. So you'll be obese, for a long, long time. But, apparently, one slime can fix this! Her name is Amelia, and she is the slime of Elizabeth Svant." Lily gasped again, though, this time, a little less loud. "Elizabeth? You mean that rich girl that owns, like, seven companies? Thats so weird..." Lily thought. She shook the thought off. "Well, I'm so fat now," She was disgusted at the fact, "so there's no point in continuing my jog." She got up from the bush and tried to walk, but couldn't, so she waddled slowly and heavily down the forest, huffing a storm, and stopping a couple times.

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