Zombie Cordial

566 13 5

This one is going to be a two-shot, sorry!

The cold air danced and the trees followed their lead, one raven flew above the little yellow house

On the other side of the window was a girl and her best friend, having a sleepover

Mackenzie was reading Jane Eyre silently when she heard screaming from outside, probably more party people that her parents were always hanging out with

She put down her book and made her way to the bed

"Eliza?" She whispered to her sleeping friend

Eliza didn't make a sound but instead rolled over, her alabaster hair traveling all over her face

Mackenzie sighed in relief, she was glad her parents didn't wake her friend

"God save us!" Mackenzie heard someone yell

The shrieks were starting to sound horrified

Mackenzie looked out her window, checking to see if her parents were in a K-hole again

She gasped and backed away from her window when she saw people made purely from flesh biting people

And then her parents, both had been turned into these strange creatures

"Eliza!" Mackenzie cried "Wake up!"

Eliza groggily sat up, "Whaaaaaat?"

"There are créatures , monsters, outside!"

Eliza rolled her eyes, "Go back to sleep."

"I wasn't sleeping before, just look out of the window!"

"If I look and see nothing, will you go back to sleep?"


Eliza rolled out of Mackenzie's bed and dragged her feet to the window, rubbing her eyes with her knuckles

Once she looked out the window her eyes nearly popped out of her head, "Those are zombies, like from The Walking Dead, we need to leave!"

"Oh!" Mackenzie said, "I'd only read about them a while back, I suppose they fit that description but i'd imagined them differently, more green."

"Yeah yeah, lets go" Eliza said in a panic

"What do we do?" Mackenzie asked

"There's a boat in your neighbour's backyard, right?" Eliza asked

Mackenzie shook her head, "they put it away for summer."

"That's not good, since the outbreak happened here in Ottawa, we have to sail to somewhere else, somewhere outside of Ontario, somewhere small."

"We could take the little boat we made last year." Mackenzie suggested

"If we have to," Eliza said slowly, "It's so small and we won't be able to bring materials other than a tiny bit of food and water."

"That's all we need."

"Where to?" Eliza asked

"There's a ridiculously small town named Avonlea in PEI." Mackenzie replied quickly

"Great, lets go!" Eliza said, practically dragging Mackenzie

"We don't need a boat, there's a bridge."

"I can drive, my dad taught me, plus your car is automatic."

"But driving at 14 years is illegal."

Hearts of CopperOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz