The Break-Up (One Man's Joy Is Another Man's Anguish)

Start from the beginning

"Seriously, all you do is put me down," he sneered back, ignoring the snooping underclassmen that walked by acting nonchalant but were really trying to get an on-look at their arguing. "And I'm wearing the cap because I didn't feel like spiking my hair today." he explained with a frown; why did he always have to explain himself to her?

"Because you're lazy." she stated with a smirk on her face.

He smiled sarcastically. "You get a kick out of insulting me, don't you?" He didn't wait for her to respond, let alone react as he continued on, "You know, you haven't said anything nice to me for the past five months."

She opened her mouth to retaliate, but no words formed on her tongue because deep down, she knew that he was right. He went on, knowing that she wouldn't interrupt him while speechless, "And you're always so damn needy-" There was that word! "and bitching-" There was that other word to describe her criticism. "because of how insecure you are- it's getting old and I'm sick of it!"

"I'm not insecure!" she shouted in denial.

He laughed humorlessly. "Oh, really? Then why do you always get jealous whenever anyone says hi to me?"

"Because!" she argued, as if that one word would explain everything. "It's always her friends, and you pay so much attention to her, I don't get what she has on you that I don't!" she yelled out, feeling more irritated as she had to openly admit her feelings to him.

"Who?" he demanded fervently, confused over this entire argument. "That girl who always looks at you, and who you always look at whenever we pass by!" she screeched in fury, wanting to smack him already.

His face scrunched up as he tried to pinpoint who she was bitching about, then a smile spread over his face as he knew who she meant.

"You, asshole!" she shrieked, flailing her arms over her head, swatting at the air.

Again with the insults...  


"That he was done listening to me bitching at him..." she sobbed relentlessly.

The boy next to her released a soft laugh, but upon seeing her enraged glare he abruptly turned his chuckle into a lame fit of coughs.

Her eyes narrowed at him but she said nothing.

Of all the words his best friend used to describe her caustic comments, he always used "bitching," not "nagging," "whining" or "complaining," just "bitching."

"I'm scared that it's really over." she whimpered, wrapping her arms around herself in an effort of self-comfort.

"Did he say it?" he inquired in a gentle voice, moving closer to her, wondering how to make his friend feel better.

"Pretty much." her voice turned vague as she repressed that awful breakup.

How easily he left her- like he'd been waiting for the moment to tell her off and be free from her clutches.

He sighed in disbelief. He hadn't honestly thought that his best friend would've actually gone through with the breakup. He would usually say, "I'll just keep suffering with her- we'll work it out somehow." But now... he had refused to even try to work it out. He could almost hear his best friend saying, "It's not worth it." right now in his ear. The boy became frustrated as he stared at the girl sitting before him as she pouted away. What wasn't worth it? Her, or the relationship in general?

"Maybe it's for the best, you guys were already being distant..." he mentioned casually, with a tender voice.

"Yeah," she sniffed. "Maybe." she agreed without any emotion, apart from the flicker of what looked like vengeance in her blotchy, red eyes. "I just want to forget..."

Then, with a wild, unknown force, she closed the short distance between them by pouncing over and attacking her lips against his in a passionate frenzy. Startled by her action, the boy pulled away and gave her a light shove to put some space between them.

"Wait, he's my best friend-" he berated, head swirling with a mix of unbalanced emotions. "I can't-" The good part of him yelled, "Don't do this! An easy fuck over a lifelong friend?" But the evil in him hissed eagerly, "Just do it! Who cares? He screwed her over, and she wants you!"

The girl shook her head, ignoring his protests- she was determined now. She would show her ex-boyfriend that karma was a bitch. Here was her revenge, right here in her hands, in a fine package.

"But Anthony-" he objected headily before she pressed her lips once more onto his, forcing the both of them to venture into the dark side.

Anthony, who?


The Break-Up (One Man's Joy Is Another Man's Anguish)Where stories live. Discover now