Inside The Alien Spaceship

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The boy who got inside of the spaceship and explored inside of the giant ship. It was big,round,and scary it was full of humans on tables and needles with some green liquid in it. While the boy was looking around for an exit an alien walked in an grabbed him and knocked him out.

The alien then took the needle and injected the girl the boy seen that happen and screamed. The girl then slowly dies and the alien walks up to the police officer and chops his head off and eats it. The boy then tries getting up and running but the police officer turns and tases him. Your probably asking how the police officer is alive but really he is dead just the alien has changed into the police officer. Then the police officer (alien) injects the boy with it and he dies slow and then the spaceship leaves from earth and never comes back. The police officers look up and see the spaceship leave and starts trying to shoot it down but it doesn't work and the police officers tell everyone they are gone for good. Then the girl's parents start to cry and then boy's parents and friends start to cry.

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