Late One Night

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There once was a girl she was riding her bike down the road while her parents are inside watching tv. She sees a weird object on the ground it's big. She walks towards it and looks at it and she gets scared so she turns to go home and sees a light come from the sky.

Then out of thin air she disappears. Her parents go to check on her outside and she's was not outside she was gone! Her parents tell the police and they look everywhere and still can't find her so they get the K-9 units to search.

They still can't find her no matter what they do but they won't give up cause she's just a little kid. So they look for days and weeks and still can't find her. Then one night a policeman was looking for the girl and see something it looks big and round then all of a sudden he sees a light in the sky and disappears.

The other police go looking for the kid and the policeman. They still can't find them after weeks and weeks. This boy ends up walking to the police and saying he has seen what happened to the police and possibly the girl he then says,"I seen this big,round thing on the ground when the police officer did and he looked up and seen a light in the sky and it sucked him up,"he said freaking out! The police officers didn't believe him and they kept looking and it ended up being on the news that a kid and a policeman have been kidnapped.

The story of a kid who got kidnapped Where stories live. Discover now