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Her love for Theseus and Newt was based on them being happy, she found her own joy with them finding happiness, and perhaps once she got to know Tyne a little better, she would come to love the woman too.  Tyne appeared to be a gentle soul and Leta had surrounded herself with those kinds of people, hoping they could wash away the "wickedness" she felt often burrowed deeply in her chest.

When she had left Theseus earlier, he had been dressed and it seemed he had been fighting himself back and forth to go to Tyne or remain at home and appear loyal to Leta. She didn't want him to feel torn, which was why she had told him to go to Tyne in the first place and not keep her waiting. But she didn't know whether he had gone or not, Theseus fought with himself far too often when it came to what he was supposed to do and whether it was right or wrong. Leta often tried to help him, but it seemed she could never come up with the appropriate thing to say that soothed his nerves.

But she hoped her next visit would be enough to show Theseus that there would be no harsh feelings between them, they could still be friends and co-workers, but they just weren't meant for each other. She hoped he would agree, she hoped that he wouldn't fight her on it, and she hoped it would be the first step to them finding their own happiness in life.

Knocking on the door to his flat, Leta listened to see if Theseus was even home, part of her wishing that he had taken her advice and gone to Tyne's aid like she had advised him to earlier. But seconds later, she heard the sound of footsteps crossing the floor and the door opened to reveal Theseus on the other side. He seemed puzzled as to why she was there, but remembering that she was still his fiancée and had every right to be there, he quickly welcomed her inside.

"Is everything alright?" he asked her right away as he helped remove her cloak, she could feel his fingers pick at a small ball of lint on her back before he pulled it away. Leta turned to him, taking her cloak gently from his hands and folding it over her arms.

She didn't bother to answer his question but asked her own. "You didn't go to see Tyne?"

"No, I did," Theseus confessed right away as he hung his head in guilt, " but she wasn't at Newt's. She left. "

"She left?" Leta repeated. "What do you mean, she left? Where did she go?"

Theseus shook his head. "I don't know," he said, " Basil was supposed to be with her and he fell asleep, she took the opportunity to leave. We went looking for her and Basil found her but she boarded the Knight Bus. I honestly haven't the slightest clue as to where she was going and I don't know why she would leave. I haven't been able to sleep because I know the people that hurt Tyne are still out there. I-"

Before he could finish, their conversation was interrupted by a tapping at the window in the sitting room, bringing the two to look over. There was an owl patiently waiting for them to take the letter it was delivering. Immediately, Theseus headed over towards the window, opening it with a wave of his wand, and taking the letter. The owl didn't wait for any sort of response as he flew off into the night.

Leta stood near the doorway of the flat, waiting as Theseus tore into the envelope and read the contents over. She figured it was a letter from the Ministry, possibly calling in Theseus for some line of work. Although he really looked to be in no condition to take on a full workday. Instead, Leta was a witness to his frazzled and fragile nature that was so rare to see with the usually composed man.

And as Theseus read more of the letter, the worse his condition seemed to become. He took to biting the edge of his thumb, running the same hand back and forth through his hair several times. Eventually, when he came to the end of the letter, he placed it down on the table, and both hands were free to cover his face.

SEALED LIPS ⟶ Theseus ScamanderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin