Start from the beginning

There was no denying how much Leta cared about Newt, to the point where she was sure it would be unrequited for times to come, but it didn't stop her from loving him and wishing all the best for Newt. Over the time she had been with Theseus, she realised she wanted the same for him too. Theseus was a good man, intelligent and gentle natured behind the stoic expression that he placed on for work. He deserved his own happiness just like Newt and Leta had never witnessed such a smile on Theseus' face until he looked at Tyne.

It pained Leta to know that she was never the source of someone's happiness, there was always someone else.

But it wasn't anyone's fault, it wasn't Newt's fault, it wasn't Theseus' fault, and it certainly wasn't Tyne's fault. Leta believed that it was karma coming back around for her, making her pay for her crimes of the past that she could no longer outrun. Everything that she had thought would bring her happiness long term was being taken away from her. However, she wasn't going to put a stop to it either, she couldn't bring others down with her anymore.

Newt was moving on with his life, he had his creatures and if Leta didn't know any better there was a special bond between him and Basil. And with Tyne's return, Leta couldn't ignore the pain on Theseus' face after he had sent Tyne to live with Newt because he didn't want things to be awkward. Meaning, Tyne was going to be difficult to have around because he was probably still in love with her.

It sounded foolish, for Theseus to hold onto a childhood crush and expect things to work out as he initially planned, which was why he probably hadn't made a move on it. Tyne had been gone for nearly two decades, but Leta didn't write it off as a simple childhood crush either.

She remembered when Theseus had finally opened up about Tyne, speaking about her in stories that revolved around his Hogwarts years. Tyne seemed to be in nearly every story and when he spoke about her, his expression would shift to sadness or happiness depending on what he was talking about.

But it was the way he said her name, he spoke it so softly as if it would break and the way his eyes would light up with joy when he expressed his gratitude to how Tyne had helped him.

To Leta, she was amazed as to how one person could uplift a person and then nearly destroy them with the presence alone. It was a power that wasn't spoken of, just observed.

She didn't have that power to uplift Theseus, in fact, there were times where she felt rather guilty about the way she acted with him. She wanted to do more than love him, she wanted to be in love with him, but there was a difference. The couple wanted what was best for each other, but they had been missing a very important key factor and that was, they weren't what was best for each other.

How many times Leta became irritated whenever Theseus attempted to straighten her appearance, such as the collar of her shirt, or if some of her hair was out of place, he would be quick to try and fix it. Or how many times Theseus would grimace because Leta's desk at work was incredibly untidy as was her flat whenever he visited. They were small things, maybe things that other couples could work around and compromise, but it wasn't enough for her and Theseus.

There was someone out there who appreciated Theseus for who he was and loved everything about him and maybe, there was someone out there who would love Leta just the same.

After going back and forth, mulling over her thoughts, Leta knew she had to talk to Theseus again. Theseus was a man that didn't like to fail at anything he did and she was sure that he didn't want the engagement between them to be his first failure. But Leta was prepared to reassure him that it wasn't a failure, just a learning experience. She didn't know if things were going to work out for him and Tyne, but she didn't want to be the reason that they didn't even get a chance.

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