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Trigger Warning: This chapter contains depictions of sexual violence, including a rape scene. Reader discretion is advised. If you may be triggered or feel uncomfortable with this content, please consider skipping this chapter or approaching it with caution. Your well-being is important.


RINGGG!! RINGGG!! Goes my alarm clock. I get up still sleepy and check the time. It's 4:30 in the morning. I get up sleepily and move downstairs to prepare the food for the entire pack house, descending the staircase since I have not fully recovered from Uriah's abuse last night when he beat me for not bringing in his laundry on time.

When I reach the kitchen, I go to the fridge and pick the sausages, ham, bacon and eggs. I also take out the flour and other ingredients to make breakfast. As i am frying the bacon, my number one worst enemy, son of Alpha Colton, Uriah James enters the kitchen. He doesn't even glance at me and goes straight to the fridge to take out an apple. He closes the fridge and turns around to face me, leans his body on the fridge and bites into the apple before he looks at me and asks,

"What are you doing here runt?"

"Cooking" duh i replied to myself in my head.

I knew I couldn't open myself to say that in front of him without receiving a slap or a beating. So I just remained quiet and continued cooking.

All of a sudden a loud sound makes contact with my ears and his hand makes contact with my face. the force of the slap was so powerful that I find myself crashing down on the floor. I look up at him with a blank expression while holding my swollen cheek and get up to continue with my preparation of the food for the entire pack house.

He just stood there in the middle of the kitchen watching me in silence as i continued to cook and dish the food with a hard and cold stare. As i served the last plate of food onto the dining table he came behind me and with an expressionless voice he whispered into my ear

"Come to my room in five minutes and don't be late."

i choked on my saliva and nearly coughed out but i knew i would be severely punished for that. i simply raised my head and slowly nodded. I was so confused and in the moment, I couldn't bring myself to ask questions without being 'punished'.

"Good" he simply replies and went upstairs to his room. I look at his figure going up the stairs and I went back to making the pack's breakfast. i finished clearing the little mess that I made while cooking and put everything I took in their right places before setting the pack table and placing the food and drinks on it and covering it so that it doesn't become cold and went upstairs to his room.

i was so nervous when I got to his room. He sounded so cryptic and expressionless when he asked me to come to his room. Normally he would just tell me to come and do this or do that but this time it was different. I just didn't know what to expect. I wiped my sweaty palms on my nightdress and knocked three times and waited for a reply.

" Come in" his voice responded.

I entered the room and closed the door. when the door closed i turned round and stood directly in front of the door wiping my sweaty hands on my nightdress again. I was too darn nervous and scared and I didn't want another slap or beating this early morning.

"Come towards me" he ordered.

I slowly and hesitantly came towards him and stopped when i was at the foot of his bed. He got up from his bed, strode over until he was a hair's breath away from me and whispered the words that rendered me speechless.


"Sorry." I replied

"I said strip"


"But nothing. I am your future alpha and you will obey me. Now i said STRIP!!" he roared out in Alpha command.

i was powerless. The alpha command was the one thing that no pack member could resist. I didn't even try to resist because I knew it would be of no use. My hands rose unsteadily to the hands of my nightdress and pulled them down slowly until they reached my feet.

Since i had not yet taken my bath and i didn't like to sleep in a bra or in panties I was totally exposed to him. I crossed my hands in front of me and looked down since I was uncomfortable. I could feel his eyes on me and I raised my head up just a bit to look at him. His ice blue eyes were now darkened with lust and were raking all over my body.

They even became darker when they landed on my breasts. I felt so uncomfortable standing in front of him naked. He stepped in front of me before pushing me onto his bed and laid on top of me. I couldn't control my tears any longer i started weeping.

"Stop!! Stop!! please stop!!!" I wailed while shaking my head from left to right. i tried hitting at his chest to get him off me but he didn't budge. He just brought hid face to my neck and said to me,

"I am going to make sure that no one will ever want you"

He started taking off his clothes. He was fully naked and I became more scared when he laid on top of me again. I wasn't even prepared, and he just pushed into me, ripping through my virginity. The entire time I was just screaming and pushing at his chest.

I even tried begging him to stop but he didn't mind me. He just went on as if what he was doing wasn't wrong and I cried through the entire ordeal. After he was done, I was still crying and he pushed me off his bed and told me to take my clothes and get lost. I limped over to my nightdress which was still on the floor and left his room sobbing and weeping. Right before I closed his door, I heard him mutter pathetic those words even broke me more especially after what just happened.

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