Chapter 1

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I put the last of our suitcases in the Sedan and looked around to make sure. We were on our way to an old cabin that we once used to run around when we were teenagers. The place was over a hundred years old. I was excited and nervous there were stories floating all over town that there were mysterious creatures that lurked in the woods around the old wooden place. I was never one to believe in urban legends and the supernatural. To me those were just stories that we tell kids to scare them at a campfire.
"Steven, do we have all the stuff? The weapons and everything?" I said as I looked at my old friend.
"Yeah, Kason what's the weather look like?" he asked as he looked at me. The guy was amazing but he was hopeless when it came to anything to do with technology. He wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. Although he was the wisest guy you could meet when you needed it.
"I told you over an hour ago that it looks like it's supposed to storm all weekend." I laughed as I climbed in the car.
Steven watched me and I could tell from how he looked he was mocking me as he walked over to the door getting in. "OK let's go then."
I rolled my eyes driving off from my old "bachelor pad" really it was a crappy house that was falling apart and looked like I had released a pack of ravenous wolves onto it leaving only the bones. But Steven and I have been calling it home for many many years. I am in my late twenties and have been living here since I was sixteen.
I had no parents, they had died when I was little and I had lived with my grandma until a day or so before my sixteenth birthday when she had died of a rare form of cancer in her lungs. She was a sweet old woman that was with me through everything. Then once she had passed I had lived in the house for a week or so before my aunt and uncle came and took it over kicking me out saying it was her place now and she could do what she wanted. My aunt didn't like me and blamed me for what happened to my parents. Although no one knew exactly what that was. No one had seen the accident all they had known was they were torn to shreds when they were found. I tried not to dwell on it but I couldn't help but be curious on how it happened. They said none of the evidence had gone together it was like they were hunted.
"Hay Kason?" Steven sadi shaking me lightly from his seat. "Are you OK? You were kind of loopy and mumbling in a weird language."
"What did i say?" I asked looking at him curiously.
"I don't know. I don't speak whatever you were speaking." Steven said with a shrug.
"Wow I didn't know i knew another language besides English." I said as I drove over a bridge towards an old cottage like cabin. The place was creepier than I remembered. It looked like the witch house from Hansel and Gretel. I had no clue what was going on with the house. It was worse than my place and that was saying something. My place looked like tornadoes had just lived in the place.
"It's not too bad." I said as I grabbed my bag walking up to the entrance. The doors were doubled with stain glass that was mostly broken.
"This is why we rented it so cheap. I swear you need to do more research on these places." Steven said looking around the place crinkling his nose at a bit of the gore that was our vacation home. What I didn't tell him was this place looked the same in the pictures but something drove me to pick this place. It was like some kind of instinct that drove me to this place. Just down the road was a frat house down the road with some nice looking guys. They were the stereo type playboy. Except for the girls. When we were driving here two were fighting while one held a girl behind him seeming to had been protecting him from the other guys. I thought it was interesting I wanted to know what it would be like to have a guy protect me like that. But I pushed that feeling away.

This story is for you I wrote it with you in my mind and dont worry it's no where near done.

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