Chapter Three

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Briarkit awoke in a dark, petrifying forest. The streams were made of pure red blood, it flowed like a river and sounded like one too, the grass was slimy and gooey. The kit shook in disgust as she looked up at the dark sky, how come there were no stars? Where was she? Everything seemed... deadly, Briarkit had no proper way of explaining it. Suddenly, a frightening motion surprised her. She flinched as she watched a puffy black tom with gray stripes enter the clearing, he paced around as if waiting for something. His troubled green eyes glanced here and there, he seemed agitated. But why? Why was he troubled? He looked cautious, Briarkit didn't like it one bit.
     Then, a muscular tabby tom approached the other tomcat, greeting him with a gruff hello before dipping his head.
     The black tomcat returned the greeting and stared at the tabby expectantly. After great hesitation, the cat spoke in a low whisper that Briarkit couldn't understand. The tom's green eyes glared at the tabby and his nostrils flared. "She's still a kit, you know that."
     "I do, but either way.." He was interrupted by a new cat making her way to the two arguing tomcats. She had extremely pale sandy fur and a striped tail, her eyes were gem green. She looked like she could be a calm mother, but her expression was tough and fierce.
     "Stop fighting." She commanded harshly, the tabby tomcat dropped his amber eyes but the black cat stood ground.
     "Do you dare speak to me like that, Sedgestone?" Hissed the tomcat, his tone did seem angry but there was something more sinister beneath it... more threatening and authoritative. Briarkit shook in her pelt, would the cats see her?
      "O-of course not, but the whole forest can hear you two." Excused Sedgestone, her oddly striped tail flicked back and forth nervously. Her ears folded back slightly, but she stood her ground. These cats sure had death wishes...
     "That's what I thought-" the tomcat was cut off by Briarkit's soft sneeze. The small kit, startled, inched back against a scratchy tree. The black tomcat, who seemed to have authority over the two other cats, snapped his puffy black head in Briarkit's direction. He lowered his head closer to the ground and began to stalk straight for the small, helpless kit.
     Briarkit began to breathe heavier, she didn't want to die. The tabby tomcat called the creeping cat over in his gruff, scratchy voice.
     "Thought I heard something," growled the puffy black tom. Briarkit closed her eyes tightly shut, shaking her head. She didn't want to be here anymore! It was frightening and she was probably going to die!
     Oddly enough, as Briarkit calmed down she seemed to drift away from the terrible world and back to Sparrowheart's stomach. Leopardkit was sleeping soundly beside her, she exhaled in relief. How could such a terrible dream come to her? And why her?
     She looked around the dark nursery, peeking out as she saw the sky began to light up. Relief flooded through her, she wouldn't be stuck by herself for too long.
     Briarkit sighed, resting her chin on her small white paws. It wouldn't be long until she was made an apprentice, her stomach bubbled with excitement, who would be her mentor? She would be the best apprentice in the Clan and be made a warrior earlier! She just knew it.
     As she dreamed of what was to come, she snuggled closer to Sparrowheart and Leopardkit, her yellow eyes bright in the dark, relaxing den.
     What if she became leader one day? Briarstar... she liked the sound of that. The she~kit squirmed with excitement, she'd be the best leader.
     Just then, a sudden thought hit her, what would she do with nine whole lives? What if her friends passed before they could see her become leader? She shivered, a cold tingle travelled down her spine. Why did she always have to see the negative in things? She glared at the woven walls of the nursery before grunting and looking away stubbornly.
     After a while, she found herself struggling to stay awake, slowly but surely, she slipped into the warm fuzziness of sleep.

     Briarkit trot back into the nursery, her short pelt littered with leaves and twigs. She attempted to shake them off, yet only few freed themselves of her tangled fur. She grinned brightly, however, she was in such a great mood!
     "Briarkit!" Sparrowheart snapped angrily, making Briarkit cower in surprise. "Your ceremony is today, what do you think you're doing with the whole forest in your pelt?" Demanded her mother, she glanced over at Leopardkit who was sitting with a shiny pelt. She sulked angrily and sat down, looking at the ground.
     "I... I was playing," mumbled the kit guiltily. "I forgot." She excused herself with the same sentence, however many times she used it, it could never grow old or stop working. Suddenly, her ears twitched happily, was she really going to become an apprentice? She was so excited, she could climb all the way to the top of a whole mountain! Anxiety and curiousity fizzed inside her, what amazing wonders could be brought with becoming an apprentice?
     She could leave the camp anytime! It would be so amazing! Luckily, Starrykit and Blackkit would be joining her in the apprentices den as well as Leopardpaw! Poor Dreamkit still had to wait a moon, though.
     Briarkit shook herself again, more harshly, which gave her a horrible pain in her head. She shut her eyes tight, attempting to lose the pulsing headache. She looked up to Sparrowheart, who was picking the pieces from her pelt. Almost immediately, dread filled her body. Was she going to have this terrible nuisance during the whole ceremony?!
     "S-Sparrowheart, I have a terrible headache, could I go see Lennypaw?" Whimpered the she~kit.
     Sparrowheart sat back after finishing cleaning through the tortoiseshell's pelt, she gave her daughter a long look before sighing. "I suppose, come back soon though. The ceremony's at sunhigh." Called the queen as Briarkit took off towards the fern trail that led to the medicine cat's den.
     As Briarkit arrived, she looked around for Lennypaw, wondering if she should call for him. Her ears perked as she heard three low voices discussing something, she crept forwards nosily.
     The three cats sounded like Lennypaw, Jaycall and Snowflight. Briarkit's shoulders slumped forwards, they were probably discussing the two warriors and they're blindness. She grumbled, that wasn't as exciting as she expected.
     Briarkit stumbled backwards before calling Lennypaw, she saw the ginger flash of his pelt before he hurried out of his dark den.
     "Yes, Briarkit?" He asked in annoyance, however he had a friendly gleam in his eyes. The grumpy medicine cat did have his perks.
     "My head is pounding, Lennypaw, and my apprentice ceremony is soon! Do you have a herb that could help?" She asked hopefully, mustering up the toughest-- but nicest-- tone she could.
     Lennypaw glanced back in the den, where he was speaking to the two blind tomcats. He thought for a moment longer before nodding. "I'll give you a mixture of chamomile and feverfew."
     Briarkit tilted her head to the left, only making her headache worse. "Does it taste bad?"
     Lennypaw inhaled through his nostrils in frustration, "yes, it does. How about I add some honey to it so it tastes better?" He suggested kindly. Briarkit smiled and nodded her head, she liked the idea of a tasty batch of herbs.
     Lennypaw murmured a word, though Briarkit couldn't tell what it was, he turned around and scurried back into the medicine cat den. The she~kit sat down patiently, she gazed around the small clearing and listened to the calming rush of water behind the medicine cat's rock den. She loved the look here, the way that the sunlight filtered through the beautiful deciduous trees was breathtaking, and it created such a beautiful colour!
     Briarkit suddenly felt extremely anxious, what if she was a terrible hunter? Or what would happen if her mentor didn't like the way she acted? What if Briarkit was terrible at scenting things? Prickling, terrible questions lingered in her mind. Would anyone accept her if she was a terrible warrior?
     Soon enough, to her relief, Lennypaw emerged from the darkness of the jagged rock den, he carried a large ivy leaf which was wrapped together in a neat bundle. As he neared Briarkit, he bent his head down and gently let go of the herbs as it ravelled open.
     Briarkit saw the white paste, it dripped with the sweet smell of honey. Licking her muzzle, she slowly lapped up the mixture. It tasted delicious! Although the tang of the herbs made her squirm in disgust. After she finished the mixture, her headache seemed to ease, she looked up at Lennypaw and squeaked a "thank you".
     "Anytime, Briarkit, you look very nice for you ceremony, I might add." The medicine cat meowed, he was surely nicer than his grumpy appearance gave off. Briarkit was filled with confidence, she thanked the tomcat again and trampled back to the main camp. She looked around, seeing Blackkit and Starrykit. Both their pelts shone neatly, especially Blackkit's. His white pelt reflected the sunlight back into the clearing, which made him shine majestically. Leopardkit, however, stayed in the nursery with Sparrowheart, but her pelt was slick and neat for the ceremony too.
     Briarkit grinned brightly, she pelted over to her two friends, almost trampling before catching herself. Mother would be furious if she ruined her shiny pelt so quickly. Briarkit felt better immediately, her headache was gone. She exhaled a sigh of relief, "our ceremonies are so soon!" Briarkit mewed excitedly.
     "I know! I can't wait to see who my mentor will be!" Starrykit rambled on, her gray tail swaying back and forth happily. "I want one that's kind and understanding!"
     "Whoever mine is going to be, I hope they're a strong warrior with real warrior skills!" Blackkit interrupted as he pretended to slash a cat in front of him, Briarkit still found his raspy voice amusing.
     Briarkit purred, "you two want such specific things!" She teased, tapping them each on the nose with her tail. "I just want a mentor who will make me become a great warrior."
     Her yellow eyes were shining happily, she tried hard to picture her warrior ceremony, I want my name to be Briarheart, for my loyalty. She thought contently.
"Briarkit?" Called her sister's familiar voice, light and worrisome. "Sparrowheart wants you to know that she's going to come with us for a tour of the territory after the ceremony." Informed Leopardkit.
Briarkit's small mouth hung open in shock, did Mother want to embarrass her? "Great..." she muttered in annoyance.
"What? Is that a problem...?" Questioned her sister with a tilt of her slender head.
"Kind of!" The to-be apprentice exclaimed. She spotted the dusty brown she~cat's blue gaze watching over Briarkit like a hawk watching its prey. A shiver ran up her spine as she wore a different expression, more gleeful. "I mean... no! Not at all."
     Leopardkit seemed to get what changed her sister's mood, which only made Briarkit appreciate her more. She beamed proudly before swishing her tail, Leopardkit nodded.
     "I can try to convince her not to come, Briarkit."
     "No! It's fine, Leopardkit. Really." Briarkit blinked softly, her yellow eyes hardened as Chestnutstar's words rang throughout the clearing.
"All cats old enough to prick a lemon from a tree gather beneath the Lemon Tree for a Clan Meeting!" Chestnutstar's gentle voice bellowed.
Briarkit rushed to the front of the crowd, Blackkit, Starrykit and Leopardkit bounded to her sides.
The four kits stared up at their leader with wide, bright eyes.
Briarkit's stomach churned with anxiety and excitement, her whiskers twitching uncontrollably.
"Today we are gathered here to bring four of our lovely kits up to apprenticeship!" Chestnutstar meowed proudly, her white chest fluffing up, looking quite majestic in the sun's magical beaming rays of light.
"Blackkit," Chestnutstar began with a glance at the black speckled kit. "You've grown to the age of six moons, which means you are to be apprenticed to a skillful mentor and learn the wise, ancient ways of a warrior. You shall be taught by..." Chestnutstar fell silent, her gaze sweeping the Clan carefully. "Gemface." She decided with a nod to the silver tabby warrior. "I hope he passes on his wisdom and skill to think in tough situations to your young, naive mind. From this day forth, until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Blackpaw."
Briarkit watched as Blackpaw stumbled towards Gemface, his white pelt beamed in the bright sunlight. Gemface met the newly made apprentice halfway, reaching down to meet his eyes. Blackpaw sprang his head forwards, touching Raincloud's pink nose with his own black one. Briarkit squirmed with impatience, she just couldn't wait!
"Starrykit, you have as well grown to the age of an apprentice. You shall be apprenticed to Moonpelt." Chestnutstar announced. "I hope she passes on her kind heart and skillful words to you, young one."
     Starrykit dipped her head.
     "From now on, until the fateful day of which you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Starrypaw." Chestnutstar purred.
     Starrypaw hurriedly padded over to Moonpelt, craning her neck up to lightly touch her mentor's nose with her own.
All that went through Briarkit's mind was who her mentor was going to be. It had to be a good one!
"Briarkit, you are next. Please step forth."
Although Briarkit had awaited this moment for what felt like seasons, she hesitated greatly. Finally, she took a tiny paw step forwards, away from the last kit; Leopardkit. Briarkit could only stare up at Chestnutstar with wide yellow eyes and shivering whiskers.
"Briarkit, you've reached the age of six moons, meaning you shall become an apprentice and learn under the wise ways of a warrior. It's come to my understanding, that you already know the warrior code quite well, which only warms my heart. From this day forth, until you receive your full name, you shall be known as Briarpaw, the affectionate and passionate apprentice." Chestnutstar announced, her yellow eyes beamed back at Briarpaw. "Your mentor shall be Wolfpelt. Wolfpelt," Chestnutstar shuffled to face the gray she~cat. "I know fully that you shall pass on your wisdom and excellent hunting techniques to this young apprentice."
Briarpaw practically lurched forwards, Wolfpelt was such an unpredictable cat! One moment she'll be kind and praising, the next she's rude and prickly like a thorn! She frowned, but shivered forwards to touch her nose to Wolfpelt's soft pink one. She then scrambled towards the rest of the newly made apprentices. Starrypaw gave her a sympathetic glance, and Blackpaw seemed to be just holding himself back from bursting out with laughter.
"Leopardkit, last but not least, please step closer." Chestnutstar spoke in a more gentle tone, making her quiet sister feel more welcomed to the apprentice role.
Leopardkit listened, taking about two pawsteps forwards as she looked up at her leader with nervous green eyes. "Leopardkit, you've come to age of six moons. As you know, you've earned your apprentice name, and a mentor of your own!"
"Leopardkit, from this moment onwards, until you receive your full warrior name, you shall be known as Leopardpaw. Your mentor will be Raincloud."
     Briarpaw gasped, envy seemed to strike a heavy blow at her lungs. Leopardpaw got to have Raincloud, Starrypaw's father, as her mentor! Raincloud was one of the kindest warriors alive, she was so lucky!
     Seeming content with her mentor, Leopardpaw walked— with quite a bit of confidence— up to Raincloud. The larger tomcat dipped his head down towards Leopardpaw to touch noses, afterwards, the two headed towards the crowd of new apprentices.
     Briarpaw bumped her shoulder into Leopardpaw's gently, whispering: "you're so lucky! I wish Raincloud could be my mentor."
     Leopardpaw gave her sister a small purr, "I guess I was lucky. But still, Wolfpelt is an excellent warrior too!"
"Now now, you weren't dismissed LemonClan. We've got an apprentice in need of her warrior name among us." Chestnutstar called, her fluffy tail swayed from side to side.

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