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"MARKUS!" Simon, the king's advisor yelled.
"Simon? What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost."
"Carl, he wishes to see both Leo and you, well Leo if he's able to come. But I know for a fact that you can!"
Markus looked to the side, he knew that Leo wouldn't visit him, he was in rehabilitation for drug addiction, but he was able to go. His adopted father needed him, so he did.
   Simon rushed Markus through the castle, around doctors, people with dangerous looking equipment, butlers, assistants, and guards to Carl's room. When they finally got to the door, Markus showed no signs of stopping, "CARL!" Markus yelled, running to the side of his father.

He instantly rested his hands on Carl's and looked at his father in the eyes as he smiled at him.
"Yes, Carl?"
"H-How a-are you? We haven't gotten to talk due to all the treatments I've been getting."
"Ok, I guess, but this isn't about me! It's about you, dad!"
"I j-just w-wanted to know if you were able t-take m-my p-place."
   "W-What? W-what about L-!"
   "We all know Leo's in just as bad of shape as I am," then he suddenly coughed horrifically, to which, Markus pulled him up, trying to get him in a comfortable position.
   "Carl, p-please! You'll make it though this!"
Carl grabbed Markus's hand to let him know it's alright to be scared.
"Markus, you're lying to yourself, for years now I've been an old, dying king who wanted to have done so much more as a prince."
"C-Carl! Please!"
"M-Mar-kus! I'm alright! I-I've lived my life... I've made my share of mistakes, I've also had my share of successes, I can go in peace."
"Carl... what do I do? There's never been a ruler not from the leading bloodline before! We're not used to being in such high positions, especially over humans. I'm not made to rule Carl! It's simply for m-!"
"Markus... you're smart... you're strong... you're kind. That's all you need, and I need you to... at least until Leo gets better."
   Markus nodded, he understood, "Carl... I don't know what ruling is like, please! I need your help!"

   Carl thought about what to say, then came up with his best advice, "You're still prone to making mistakes. When the unfortunate day occurs that you make a noticeable one that you regret, don't try to ignore it, or pretend it never happened, use it as an example... not just for you, but for our people, a reminder of what to not do. Your people will admire your transparency."
Markus broke down onto his father, "Carl! Please don't go!"
   Carl rested his hand onto his face, wiping the tears away like a father would his child.
   "M-Markus... there's no d-doubt in my mind that you can lead this country... if you wish not to... then it shall only be temporary."

   "M-Markus... there will be a time... where you can either do something bad, or you can do something worse. I don't have the answers, life isn't s-simple. I c-can't answer all of your questions, Simon can't, North can't, Josh can't, John can't, but you... four years from now, may be able to. But future you will still have questions."

   Suddenly a door opened from behind them, revealing an person that Markus knew, he was pale and had blonde hair, "Markus?"
   "Simon! Please! Just a couple more minutes!"
   The advisor nodded, left the room, and Markus redirected his attention back to the old man.
   "Markus... don't let a-anyon-e tell y-you o-or anyone e-else who you wish to p-protect who or w-what you are."
"I promise... I won't."

   Their conversation was halted by a large swath of silence, jolting Markus into the reality he refused to acknowledge.
   "C-Carl?!" Markus exclaimed in horror, shaking his father figure's body.
   "Carl! WAKE UP!"

   The door behind him swung wide open as Simon and a couple of doctors walked into the room.  Simon ran to the foot of the bed, and the doctors ran to the side of the old man.
   They looked at each other with a look of terror, before looking at Markus and shaking their heads.
   "NO!" Markus exclaimed, and Simon took him by the arm and walked him out. Which Markus, wasn't too fond of.
   "CARL!" The guard, North, walked in and began to aid Simon in getting Markus back to his room. To nobody's surprise, Markus resisted her too.
   "NO! CARL!" He was pushed out of the door, and turned around to see the last glimpse of the room, "DAD!"
The door was shut on him and he silently walked to his room the rest of the way to mourn.

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