Chapter 1) The History & Glory of Tea

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Tea has made it's way throughout the world, now common in China, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.

The original tea plant, Camellia Sinensis, is an ancient, dehydrated herb that is more than 5,000 years old.
The art of blending and brewing tea was discovered by the Chinese Emperor Shen-Nung, also known as "The Divine Healer" in 2737 BC. The Emperor has poisoned and cured himself eighty five times witn his special plant brews (tea).

In 1767, citizens of the American Colonies were angry with Britian for placing a tax on tea. This lead to "The Boston Tea Party" which was the protest of Americans disguising themselves as Mohawk Indians, dumping the the unsold tea into the deep waters of the Boston Harbor. This event lead to the freedom of import the time.

Almost a decade after The Boston Tea Party, there were civil rights movements for women such as "America's Suffrage Movement" where women would run off to a girl friends house or an undetected area while their husbands were at work so that they could drink hot tea and freely discuss their thoughts on social issuues and political injustice. Back in that time, 1848, these meetings and discussions were considered wrong, immoral and punishable. Women had little to no say in any leadership role. Members of the "Suffrage" conducted events that changed our planet and shook the misogyny against women. The legendary, Alva Vanderbilt Belmont was a member of Newport Society and she played a large role in events "The Seneca Falls" and "Conference of Great Women" in 1941. The CGW (Conference of Great Women) was a public hearings event that Belmont and other women spoke loud and clear about civil injustices, such as not being allowed to vote. Hot tea was given and sipped during all of these events. Thanks to the Great Women like Belmont, we can now participate in elections.

So in other words, tea has always been a treasure to the royal, the divine, the healers, the rebellious, the free thinkers, the leaders and the extraordinary. Drink tea, be extraordinary!

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