! Important !

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Hey. So I feel reallllyyyy bad about not posting stuff on this book so I was wondering if anyone would like to share this account with me? If it's not too much of a hassle? Even if it's just for publishing stuff on this book because i don't really think I'm up for doing much of anything right now.

It's perfectly fine if no one wants too I just feel bad about not posting anything.

I'm just going through way too much right now with everything, my mental health is deteriorating and my sisters are hassling me over everything and it's not helping and it's making me feel even more worthless than usual. On top of that my sister found my journals where I wrote all my emotions out on and my Twitter where I retweet stuff about anxiety and instead of addressing it she just told me to delete all my social media? Idk how that's gonna help anything but whatever. They keep ignoring that something not right with me and the fact that they know but won't do anything isn't helping. But it's ok. It's ok. I think.

And ik the rainbow fam will always be there for me so if your willing to be a joint account and just help me out a bit, dm me and I'll tell you the password and email to this account.

My only request is that you don't change the password of the account so I can still access it.
And if it's not too much of a hassle, sign off on the things you post with your initial or your name whatever your comfortable with (i.e. I'd sign off with -I).

If more than one person wants to do this I'm fine with having a multiple person joint account. It'd help me tremendously.

I've already set up the bio for the joint account. All you'd have to do is edit it to include your info!

(Feel free to delete this part afterwards)

Thanks for understanding <3

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