15 ~ Hater or lovers?

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"he, can we just stop, and talk for a minute. Because all of this is going really fast" I said as I held onto Theo's arm, keeping him from going downstairs.

"what do you want to talk about? Make it quick, we don't have much time." he snapped, and I knew he didn't mean it like that, but I felt harsh coming from him.

"never mind" I snapped back and walked past him.

"no wait, now I need to know" Theo said and blocked the door. I suddenly was really annoyed with him and I didn't know why, probably because I was really tired and so many things could go wrong, the only thing I could think about overnight was someone arresting us and killing us.

"I said never mind. Now, we don't have much time, so lets get going" I said and tried to push past Theo.

"you're not going anywhere, tell me" he demanded, and suddenly he didn't seem so sweet anymore. All I could see was the bags underneath his eyes and his eyelids that were almost closed due the lack of sleep. "now? what is it?"

"you don't have to be so irritated, you were the one that said we didn't have much time. We can talk on the boat" I said and tried to walk downstairs.

"I know this is all going a little fast"a little  "but we need to keep going, even though it's scary" I turned around and looked into his tired eyes. "come here" he held his arms open and I stepped into them. The warmth was welcoming and the feeling of his arms around me was comforting and familiar.

Theo kissed the top of my head and I looked up into his eyes.

"I'm sorry I was so moody" I said and kissed his cheek.

"believe me, Shailene is worse" he whispered the last part and it made me smile. "but no matter what, I won't love you less" and then we kissed. His lips on my lips, tired kisses, but they still gave me butterflies. Good hand moved up to his neck the other just by my side. Theo gripped my waist, squeezing it, suddenly totally awake.

One of Theo's hands went up to my neck and removed my hair from my shoulder as he kissed his way down there, caressing my jawline and neck with his lips, leaving possibly one or two love bites. He knew I couldn't get enough of neck kisses, he knew how to make me feel good and relax again.

"we can't take this too far, we really do need to get going" his lips were on mine again as he spoke, his hot breath tickling me.

Right at that moment, someone else decided to tell us that we had to go as well, when Kierra walked into the room.

Theo and I broke apart, breathing a little heavier than normal. 

“oh, I’m so sorry, I just wanted to tell that you guys have ten minutes, continue with whatever you guys were doing. I’m just saying that when you’re running away from government and trying not to get caught, a baby isn’t really something that’s number one on the ‘I’m trying not to get caught or else I’ll die’ list.” Kierra said, pulled a face and then turned on her heels and walked away, closing the door in the process.

“that was weird” Theo said and smiled down at me.

“yeah tell me, how do we go from fighting to a make out session” I joked and pushed Theo back against his shoulder.

“I wasn’t talking about that, but I don’t mind. I love kissing you”


The wind was blowing through my hair as we sat in the back of the van. Head out in the open air, the smell of grass filling my nostrils and the sun light beaming at my face.

Well, not exactly, at least one thing was right, we were lying in the back of a van…. underneath a big, black  cloth, covering us completely. And it more smelled like sweat and we couldn’t see a damn thing. Not what I had expected, but better than walking hopelessly for days.

We were going to stop two times, to eat and take a visit to the bathroom, also called; nature.

Next to me was Theo, lying completely still. The only movement he had made was to take my small hand in his big hand and rubbing his thumb over it more times, to soothe me and himself.

This was going to be a long ride…


I’m so so so so sorry! It has taken me so long to write this and I have no excuse… but I promise, that I’ll write another part tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Because after that, my life is going to be busy again, I’m going to walk straight into hell (school) , there will be monsters (teachers) , evil b I t c h e s ( everyone has those girls in their school), but there will (hopefully) also be some cool kidssss, and I hopefully made some new friends. Because I’m going to a whole new school, leaving all the mess at my old school behind and starting a new chapter J.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter (even though it was short)  and please vote, comment and share with allllll your friends! Bye bye

btw the gif and the video are perfect. so much perfectness.

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