Chapter 2

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Presley POV

The first day wasnt that bad so far, even though class hasn't even started. I have like every class with the boys because we registered together and my mom knows the principle really well so we got our ways. I was walking to math, my first class, with the boys but we were stopped by someone that I wish would just go fall off a cliff with her stupid rich ass.

"Ashy! Hi!" Kayla squealed literally jumping into his arms and my eardrum almost exploded. I rolled my eyes at her presents and looked at calum who has the same expression. Me and cal both hate her guts because cal liked her alot in 10th grade and asked her out but she humiliated him infront if everyone. I just hate her because she sucks, thinks shes a queen, and thinks she can take ashton from me- i mean us...

"Hey Kayla, how was your summer?" Ashton asked her.

"I see she got inplants" I wispered to cal refurring to her ass and we both laughed. Then they looked at us and we stoped.

"What?" I asked incident.

"What ever" kayla said rolling her eyes and I glared but stoped when ash looked at me and I fake smiled. "It was great, but it would have been better with you" she said then winked and I sent her a death glare. "Anyway, im having a first day of school pool party after school. You and your friends are coming" she said. God shes so demanding. Wait did she say us too?

"Yeah im there, guys does that sound good?" He turned to us.

"Oh your coming too?" She asked her face with disgust. Im this close to slapping those stupid fake eyelashes off her

"Yes as a matter of fact, I would love to go, thanks for inviting me." I said fake smiling. "bitch" i muttered then walked away and cal followed me.

"Ugh I want to kill that spoiled rich bitch." I said to cal and he scoffed.

"Trust me, I do to...twice" he said and I laughed at his cuteness. "Question, why do you hate her so much? I mean for what ever reason it is, I completely understand" he said and I laughed. Shit what do I say. I cant say shes been bullying me for years.

"Well, shes just super annoying and I cant stand her." I said.

"I understand completly." He said as we walked into math class sitting down. Ugh im already regretting coming today.

~after achool~

I walk in my house after the boys dropped me off. Apparently I cant get out of going to this party tonight so their picking me up at 7. Great. No one was home since its just me and my mom. I go up to my room and change into exercising shorts and a tanktop and put my tennis shoes on to go for a run. Honestly when im stressed or bored or something, I workout for as an escape. Its just how I cope with things. And the music helps as well of course. I run down the stairs then go out the door and run down the side walk. On my run I pass by all of the boys houses in the neighborhood then go to town then back. Its about 3 miles. I continue running and pass ashtons house and he doesnt come out to say hi which is odd. I continue to run, shrugging it off my shoulders.

"BOO!" I heard a firniliar scream and I screamed and covered my face. Then I heard the dumbass laugh. Ashton.

"What the hell mate!" I yelled punching him in his brod chest. Which is alot more muscular then I thought.

"I wanted to go running with you" he said laughing.

"Well you could of just, I dont know, told me in any other way other then trying to give me a heart attack." I said catching my breat taking my earbuds out.

"Shall we?" He asked and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Okay" i said and we started running.

"So, are you excited for kaylas party tonight?" He asked and I breathed in.

"Thrilled" I said sarcastically.

"Its gonna be amazing." He said daydreaming and I scoffed.

"Whatever" I said and put in my earbuds and he did also and we continued running. We ran the whole way almost and we were almost to my house then ashton tapped my shoulder.

"What?" I asked out of breath still running.

"I will make you food when we get to your house if you beat me" he said and I smirked. He may have longer legs then me but im pretty fast. Ive been running since I was 11 almost everyday.

"Your on" I said. "Once we pass the stop sign, we race" I said as we were close to passing it and put my earbuds back in.

"Ready... Set...GO!" We screamed at the same time and I ran with all the power in my body. We ran probably corter of a mile then we turned to corner and my house was the 5th house. I started running as fast as I could with him falling behind and I ran to my lawn.

"YEAH! OH NO ONE BEATS PRESLEY NO ONE! " I screamed at him as he came in behind me.

"You cheated" he said out of breath.

"Oh how, by being faster then you?" I asked and he looked up at me and rolled his eyes.

"Im gonna get you" he said coming at me and I screamed.

"You cant catch me im tooo fast-" I was saying then he grabbed my waist and pulled me to the ground.

"what was that?" he asked putting his finger to his ear as if he couldn't hear me and i smiled embarrassed.

"Damn it" I said laughing at he climed on top of me.

"Pinned ya" he said smiling with his dimples.

"What ever" I said then our laughter died down and realised how close our faces were.

"Hi" he said, I could feel his breath on my face and I panicked

"Hi. Well, now you owe me the meal irwin" I said pushing him off and getting up and helping him up.

"Whatever, were gonna have a rematch tomarrow." He said pointing to my face.

"Your on" I accepted and we ran inside.

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