
Emily : hey whats up.

um is Ella ok.

Emily : yeah shes fine she is having a great time.

ok just to let you know were in the canteen.

Emily : ok when she starts getting hungry i'll bring her there

bye I say. 

I end the call I get a sandwich and sit next to Chloe.

Chloe : you seem a bit stressed.

no I am fine I tell her.

Chloe : are you sure?

Yes I am sure.

Chloe : ok. hey tomorrow we are going back so I was thinking we could go camping.

yeah that was well fun last time. That was when I found out I was pregnant. remember.

Chloe : oh yeah and that was ages ago.

Tiffany : hey guys, I can't wait till we start making the nationals routine.

Chloe : you don't even know you are in it. we have to audition for a spot in the team remember.

imagine if we don't get in the nationals team. what would we do.

Tiffany : when are the auditions.

Chloe : tomorrow afternoon when we get back.

* the next day *

Riley's POV

I wake up. yawn. were going back home today. OMG! I have just remembered we have an audition this afternoon!

Chloe : come on Riley get dressed.

alright. alright I say throwing a pillow at her.

I get up and have a shower then I get dressed and put on my make-up.

me and Chloe walk downstairs to the canteen.

I get a cooked breakfast and a piece of toast.

I sit down next to Gizelle and Steph.

Gizelle : hi Riley I heard you threw a pillow at Clo.

yeah I did.

Steph : yawn. I am so tired today. Whats your routine like for the audition.

Gizelle : yeah it's ok. I hope I get in the nationals team.

Stephanie and me : same.

Eldon : hey anyone coming to see Michelle she is getting let out of hospital today.

Gizelle : I'll come.

me too I say. I'm just gonna get my phone I left it in my room.

Eldon : ok.

* 5 minutes later *

me, Emily, Gizelle, Eldon and Daniel

are all in the car on the way to the hospital. Since she is at the hospital that is down the road from where regionals was it takes half an hour to get there.

* at the hospital *

Emily : hey Michelle your getting let out today.

we all get back in the car and make the half an hour journey back to the hotel.

* at the hotel *

Michelle's POV

Chloe : Hi Michelle you ok.

Yeah I'm fine. I think.

Gizelle : Kate, will we all get into the nationals team?

Kate : I don't know it depends what your auditions are like.

*in the Afternoon (at the studio)*

Kate : right everyone today we are doing the auditions for the nationals team.

Group 1 is






Group 2 is






Group 3 is






And Michelle since you are not allowed to dance at the moment I will base yours on the solo you did at regionals.

but remember there is only 9 places in the nationals team so try your best.

* after the auditions *

the nationals team is...

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