Chapter 20: The Yule Ball Part 1

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A few days after the first task had ended, everyone began to get excited about what was to come next. As the Fantastic Four ate in the Great Hall for breakfast, Meg began to read an article published by non other than Rita Skeeter to her friends. "Can't believe this, she's done it again. 'Ms. McCown, a pursuer of famous wizards has begun to get closer to her prey and crush Draco Malfoy, no word on how Harry Potter is taking this news.' This is nothing but barbaric and bullshit." Harry, Ron, and Hermione exchanged awkward eye-contact. To break tension, a first year came up to the four with a package of some sort. "Parcel for you, Mr. Weasley." Ron turned around and thanked him; however, the boy didn't leave right away. Hermione and Meg gave Ron a look of concern and confusion. Ron eventually sent the boy away, but that didn't relieve the group's confusion. Ron explained himself, "I promised him I would help him get Harry's autograph." Harry, Hermione, and Meg just exchanged looks again, while Ron opened his package. "Oh look, mum sent me something!" He exclaimed. However, the package wasn't exactly what he had expected. Ron began to question everything, "Mum sent me a dress?!" Out of straight spite, Harry began to mock Ron. "Well it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet? Aha!" Harry held up frilly collar up to Ron's neck; Ron was beginning to get somewhat annoyed. He turned to Ginny and said, "Ginny, these must be for you." "I'm not wearing that, it's ghastly," she protested. Once Hermione read the card and showed it to Meg, the two girls began to laugh. Hermione explained, "They're not for Ginny, they're for you! They're dress robes." Ron now became even more confused. "Dress robes...for what?"

Later that day, each house gathered in a certain location with their head of house to talk about an important, upcoming event. Sadly, Meg had to go with the other Ravenclaws to meet with Professor Flitwick in the Great Hall. Meg located Luna and Cho and sat with them; the boys were on one side of the hall and the girls were on the other side. Flitwick was in the middle of the room with a huge record player with Filch standing next to it. Flitwick began to explain to his house about what was going on. "The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament since its inception. On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests gather in the Great Hall for a night of well mannered frivolity. As representatives of the host school, I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward, and I mean this literally, because the Yule Ball is first and foremost a dance." With those words, everyone became chatty and excited. Flitwick silenced the lot and continued his speech. "The house of Rowena Ravenclaw has commanded the respect of the wizard world for nearly ten centuries. I will not have you besmirching that name in a single night by behaving like a group of babbling, bumbling, band of baboons." Meg turned to Cho and said jokingly, "Try saying that five times faster." Flitwick turned to the guys and continued, "Inside every boy, a bold eagle is waiting to fly..." Meg turned to both of her friends this time and said, "There's something waiting to fly inside Joseph Bouquet but I don't think it's an eagle." All three girls busted laughing; Flitwick then turned to the girls side. "And inside every girl, there is a lovely swan waiting to gracefully fly in the wind...Ms. McCown." Meg looked at her head of house in embarrassment and responded, "Yes?" He looked at her and said, "Will you join me please?" Meg then stood up and walked to the middle of the hall with Flitwick. Being two feet shorter than her, Flitwick asked Filch for a stool so he could demonstrate the proper way to waltz. Once on the stool, he began his lesson. "Now, I'm going to place my right hand on your waist." Meg looked at him in terror and asked, "Where?" Flitwick repeated himself, "Your waist." With that gesture one of the boys wolf whistled at her for humor. Meg began to get agitated, but she didn't have time to react as Flitwick began his lesson. As the two were demonstrating, Luna then looked at Cho and said, "You're never gonna let her forget this are you?" Cho replied, "Never." Flitwick then called everyone in the middle to practice the waltz.

The next few days were interesting; Harry and Ron were desperate to find dates, while Meg and Hermione were anxious to see who would ask them. Meg had a strong hunch about who would ask her, but she didn't want to blow her luck. One day, as Meg and Hermione were walking in the courtyard, they saw Draco and his gang chilling under a tree. Hermione noticed Meg's longing looks at Draco and asked, "Seriously, Meg, what is it about him that makes you so attracted to him?" In response to her friend, Meg began to softly sing:

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