Chapter 4: A New Year

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Once the train arrived at Hogwarts, Draco rode in the carriage with Meg to the castle. She still felt a little dizzy after the dementor attack. Draco wrapped his arms around her as they walked to the carriages. Harry, Ron, and Hermione weren't too far behind the couple. All three of them were disgusted with the fact that Meg and Draco would be in love with each other. Meg was their best friend. How could she betray them for Draco Malfoy?

As soon as the students entered the Great Hall, Meg went straight to the Ravenclaw table, Draco and his gang went to the Slytherin table, and The Golden Trio went to the Gryffindor table. Before the feast began, Draco turned around to the Gryffindor table and asked Harry, "Potter! Is it true you fainted? I mean you actually fainted?" Harry was annoyed. However, Ron stood up for his friend, "Shove off, Malfoy!" Harry asked Ron, "How did he find out?" Hermione answered him, "Just forget it." Dumbledore began his yearly speech, "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! I'd like to say before we become enforced in this lovely feast. I'm pleased to welcome Professor R. J. Lupin. He has taken the empty post as Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Good luck, Professor!" Lupin stood up. Everyone applauded. Dumbledore continued, "Our previous Professor for Care of Magical Creatures has decided to retire. But, I am pleased to announce that his post will be taken over by our own, Rubeus Hagrid!" Hagrid stood up. Everyone applauded. As soon as Hagrid sat down again, Dumbledore began to explain what was going to happen at Hogwarts that year. "I'm sure you all know that an escapee from Azkaban is on the loose. Sirius Black." Everyone began to chatter. Dumbledore silences them and continued. "The Ministry of Magic has requested that some dementors roam the grounds in case Black decides to come pay us a visit. However, I have been reassured the dementors will not interfere with our daily activities. But you must be warned, it is not in the nature of a dementor to be forgiving. So, I'd advise you not to provoke them when you are on the grounds. Otherwise, it will not end well for you. But you know, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times. If one only remembers to turn on the light." As soon as he finished everyone to begin eating, Harry, Ron and Hermione began to discuss more about what they had seen on the way to the castle. "What do you think happened on the train," Harry questioned? "I mean, she hates him. Don't you remember what he did to her last year?" Ron and Hermione looked at each other. They knew Harry was right. Ron spoke up, "Maybe he gave her a love potion on the train. I mean, he has been wanting her to be his ever since our first year." Hermione looked terrified. She couldn't believe Meg would be that gullible.

The next day was their first day of classes. Meg met her friends for breakfast at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. When she arrived at the table where her friends were sitting, Harry immediately started asking questions. "What did you and Malfoy do on the train yesterday?" Meg looked confused and nervous at the same time. "What are you talking about, Harry?" "What did Malfoy do to you on the train?" Meg answered him, "He didn't do anything to me. He was actually very nice to me. He and I chatted and as of yesterday, we're on a first-name basis and he and I are gonna start to be friends." Harry, Ron, and Hermione were confused. This didn't sound like Malfoy at all. The Malfoy they know would shag Meg sighing a heartbeat if he got the chance. Meg continued, "He was especially nice to me after the dementor attack." Harry's eyes widened. "You were attacked as well," he asked with concern? Meg answered him, "Yeah, but Draco saved me from getting my soul sucked out." All three of her friends were shocked at Meg's statement. How did Draco Malfoy know advanced magic? Ron asked the question he had been wanting to ask Meg, "Did Malfoy give you a love potion on the train?" Meg was awestruck by this question, and offended. She answered, "Of course not!" All three of them were relieved by her statement. Hermione knee deep down that Draco wouldn't do such a horrible thing to Meg. Besides, the thought of the matter just made Hermione cringe.

Their first class of the day was Potions with Snape. The four friends didn't enjoy this class to much. Snape would always embarrass Harry every chance he got, he would insult Hermione, and just completely ignore Meg. Meg didn't really care for Snape. The one thing that always bugged her in that class was Draco Malfoy. He would always stare at her and not pay attention to the lessons. But, since she had become friends with Draco, she can't be mad at him when he stares at her in class. Of course she was flattered, but the majority of the times she was annoyed. 

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