Chapter 13: The Quidditch World Cup

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Once Meg and Hermione got home from King's Cross Station, they began to make plans for the summer. "What do you think we should do first," Meg questioned her best friend. Hermione pondered the possibilities. She replied, "The Quidditch World Cup is doin, but getting tickets is nine to impossible. So, I guess we could start studying for our fifth year O.W.L.'s." Meg got excited about the Quidditch World Cup; she knew tickets would be difficult to get, however. She had a feeling Hermione would mention studying for their fifth year O.W.L.'s. Hermione was always an overachiever, but Meg loved her anyway. Hermione pondered on what exactly would be on the exams for their fifth year, while Meg dreamed about the Quidditch World Cup. Meg didn't follow professional Quidditch, but she loved to watch it. No matter who was playing against who, it was still fun to watch.

Over the next few days, Meg and Hermione say at Hermione's house and read book after book about various subjects. Meg didn't pay much attention to the subjects, she mainly thought about the Quidditch World Cup. She really wanted to go. She'd figured Draco would invite her to go with him and his family, Meg had a feeling that Draco's parents wouldn't approve of a Muggle-born being friends with their son. Besides, she and Draco weren't that close of friends yet. Just when all hope seemed lost, Ron's owl, Pigwidgeon, came through the window of Hermione's bedroom and landed in Meg's lap. Hermione looked up from her fortress of books in confusion. Meg untied the letter that was attached to Pigwidgeon's foot. "It's from Ron," Meg declared to her best friend! Hermione put down her book and emerged from her fortress to see what Meg was talking about. Meg unraveled the note and saw two tickets emerge. She knew exactly what they were for, but Meg read the note anyway. The note read:
Dear Meg and Hermione,

I would like to invite you two to attend the final match of the Quidditch World Cup with me and my family. Harry will be coming with us as well! My father and I will be picking you two up on Friday morning at 5:30 am. I can't wait to see you both!

-Ron Weasley

Meg was beside herself excited. She had always wanted to go to the Quidditch World Cup. Hermione was excited as well, but not as excited as her best friend.

Friday came like a breeze. Meg and Hermione couldn't wait to see their friends again. The two girls woke up at 4:30 am in order to get ready for the big day. They ate breakfast and then packed their bags for the trip. They'd planned to stay at the Burrow after the World Cup. By the time the two girls finished getting ready, it was 5:00 and Meg and Hermione sat in the living room of Hermione's parents' house and waited for Mr. Weasley and Ron to come get them. As she waited, Meg itched with excitement. Hermione was excited as well, but clearly not as much as Meg. The last 30 minutes seemed like hours to Meg.  5:30 am finally came, and Mr. Weasley, along with Ron, apparated right outside Hermione's doorstep. Meg and Hermione saw the two guys appear, so Hermione got off the couch and opened the door. Ron was the first to come in. He hugged Hermione, then hugged Meg. Mr. Weasley came in behind his son and greeted the two girls. After he greeted the girls, he bid the Grangers' goodbye and walked outside with the girls and Ron. Once they all we outside, Mr. Weasley made sure the area was clear, then apparated the kids to the Burrow. Once they arrived, Ginny, Mrs. Weasley, Fred, George, and Harry greeted the group. Ginny was the first to speak. "Meg! 'Mione! You made it!" She hugged the two girls. Next was Mrs. Weasley. "Girls, it's so great to see you two again!" Mrs. Weasley hugged the two girls tightly. Mrs. Weasley's hugs felt like home to Meg. Fred and George said hello and high-fived the pair. Last but certainly not least was Harry. Harry hugged Meg first. He loved them both, but he felt a bit more of an attraction to Meg than Hermione. He secretly hoped she'd (Meg) felt the same way but he didn't know how to be sure. He eventually broke the hug and hugged Hermione. Once the greetings were finished, Meg spoke up and asked, "When do we head to the stadium?" Mr. Weasley replied almost immediately, "In about 30 minutes. I wanted to make sure everyone was packed, had breakfast, and was ready to go." Once  Mr. Weasley finished his sentence, everyone went upstairs and got their bags. Even though Meg and Hermione's bags were downstairs by the door, the two girls went upstairs with everyone else so they could begin catching up with each other. Hermione went with Ron and Ginny while Meg went with Harry and the twins. Meg cared for Harry tremendously. However, she could see through his actions pretty clearly. She knew he had feelings for her. Strong feelings at that. Deep down she felt the same, but he's one of her best friends. It would be extremely awkward if they dated. Plus, she had Draco Malfoy on her tail. She also knew if she were to go out with Harry, Draco would never be close to her ever again. The thought of that made her shiver. Meg and Harry began to chat. "How's your summer so far, Meg," Harry began the conversation. Meg replied, "It's been pretty good so far. I can't wait for the World Cup! Who are you supporting, Harry? Ireland or Bulgaria?" Harry answered, "I'm thinking Bulgaria. The Weasleys are supporting Ireland, so I think they'll have enough support. Plus, Victor Krum is really cool! He's the Seeker for Bulgaria!" Meg was amazed. "I think I'll go for Bulgaria as well," Meg replied.

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