Jonah / Janah - Bipolar

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Jo, what's the matter?" He asks softly, repositioning himself so that he's looking directly at Jonah. The added attention makes a tear roll down Jonah's cheek and he sighs, closing his eyes. Jack catches it quickly with his thumb.

"N-Nothing, I... I just feel bed for snapping earlier." He croaks.

"Aw JoBear, it's fine, I was probably being too nosy anyways." Jack thinks his words are probably helping, but in reality they are doing the opposite. Jonah feels all the regret and anger towards himself building up, and he growls, punching the sofa.

"No, you fucking weren't! I'm just so messed up I can't even see that!" He screams, making Jack jump back completely. Jonah's eyes show his hurt, and he looks over at the other boys, who look just as shocked. He quickly storms out of the room and into his own, the mess still littering the floor, tears rolling down his cheeks heavily. He lets out a few broken sobs as he tosses more things around the room for a while, trying to alleviate himself. He jumps when he hears the pillow he threw towards the door let out a little squeak, only to realise it was Jack, standing at the doorway. He looks at him in confusion.

"J-Jack, what are you doing here?" He thought for sure he would have scared him off by now. Jack sighs and bites his lip softly.

"Jo... I know this isn't you. I know something is wrong right now and I'm here for you, okay?" Jack tries to plead, but Jonah doesn't want to listen.

"How are you so sure, huh? How are you so sure I'm not some evil monster in disguise?" Jonah yells, all sorts of emotions taking over him. Jack looks hesitant before saying his next words.

"Because I saw you taking pills the other day. Well, I-I've seen you taking pills quite a few times actually, and I didn't want to bring it up because it's your private business, but-" Jack can't finish before Jonah has stalked over to him, his large figure towering over the curly haired boy. Jack whimpers, his bottom lip trembling as he looks up at the older boy.

"So what, you were spying on me? Is that what you were doing you little sicko? Spying?" Jonah's voice is dripping in venom and makes Jack's breath erratical in fear. Jonah quickly storms off to the bathroom connected to his bedroom, his mind already in shock. Once he's locked in there, he stands completely rigid, in absolute shock.

"What the fuck have I just done?" He whispers to himself, staring at his reflection in pure shock. He runs a hand through his hair as the tears start falling, once again, down his cheeks. He lets out heartbreaking sobs like never before as his mind is reeling through the thought that he has officially lost Jack. No way would he want to stay after that. That just sets him off even more and he curses harder, hugging himself to receive some form of comfort, be it from himself.

"JoBear?" Jonah's head shoots up at the sound of Jack's angelic voice, and he tilts his head towards the door to listen to him.

"Jo, I don't know if you're listening, but just know that I'm here for you. I love you and I know something is up, and I won't stop until-" Jonah cuts off Jacks speech with a soft murmur of his name. Jack shuts up immediately, not wanting to risk anything.

"Jack, baby, why are you still trying with me? Just... just give up already." His voice weavers, showing that he definitely doesn't want Jack to give up, and Jack frowns deeply.

"N-No." He tries to state firmly.

"What?" Jonah's taken aback, his eyebrows furrowing.

"No, I'm not giving up on you. Look, I signed up for this relationship, not only for the good stuff, but also the bad. If you can't handle that... well that's tough. Because I'm not just going to leave you when you're at your weakest, okay?" Jack states firmly, making Jonah's lip tremble in appreciation.

"Jack..." He states in a warning tone.

"No, Jonah, stop it! I'm not changing my mind, so if you can't..." Jack voice trails off, leaving Jonah confused. He presses himself harder against the door to try and see if he can hear anything, but all he can hear is shuffling. Was Jack leaving him again? He feels his heart fall into his stomach, a hot tear trickling down his otherwise dry face. Of course he wasn't going to stay. Jonah is messed up, no one would want to stay after this mess that he caused.

Suddenly, something slides under the door. A piece of paper. Jonah watches the piece of paper in confusion, until he sees the small pink pill resting on top. His pill.

"I found this." Jack says shakily from the other side. Jonah lets out a deep breath, picking up the pill with trembling hands and going over to swallow it will some tap water. He does that, cringing slightly as it travels down his airway. He takes a deep breath and sits back down silently, not wanting to exit until he knows the pill has had effect.

It's probably been about ten minutes later that Jonah finally feels relatively calm and ready to exit. He takes a deep breath before opening the door, jumping slightly when Jacks body falls backwards. Jack lets out a groan but quickly realises that the door is open, and scrambles to his feet. He looks up at Jonah with hesitant eyes, taking a deep breath. Jonah just stares at him for a few seconds, before stepping forwards and pulling him into his arms. Jack squeaks slightly but relaxes soon after, his arms going to wrap around Jonah's neck.

"I'm so sorry Jacky, you didn't deserve any of this. You were right, there is a reason for all this." Jonah breathes deeply, pulling away to look into Jacks worried eyes.

"I...I'm bipolar." He breathes out in relief once the secret is off his chest, but still watches Jack closely for his reaction. Jack just smiles slightly and caresses his cheek.

"I kinda figured. But Jo, that doesn't make me love you any less, okay? In fact, it makes me love you even more. You actually have a vulnerable side. Which is very cute." Jack giggles, making Jonah smile, mostly in relief.

"I'm so glad you think that." He sighs, resting his forehead against Jacks.

"Of course I do baby. You deserve the world, okay? I'm here for you no matter what." Jacks words send shivers down his spine, a large smile forming itself on his face.

"I love you so fucking much." He says before connecting their lips in a short, soft kiss. Jack sighs happily, relieved to finally have his Jonah back. When they pull away, Jonah sighs again.

"I should probably apologise to the others, shouldn't I?" He hums.

"Yeah, probably. C'mon bub." Jack says, intertwining their hands and beginning their descent to the others. Jonah is just so thankful to have such supportive people in his life.

word count: 1935

lmk what you think and if you have any requests!!

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